Well if she is not infected, and not showing the signs she should not be quarantined.
Posts by BU2B
Does The State Have The Right To Quarantine Someone Because They Might Have Ebola?
by minimus inno doubt you have heard about the nurse that thumbed her nose to the state and went out of the house in spite of being ordered to stay at home.
what is your opinion on this?.
Does The State Have The Right To Quarantine Someone Because They Might Have Ebola?
by minimus inno doubt you have heard about the nurse that thumbed her nose to the state and went out of the house in spite of being ordered to stay at home.
what is your opinion on this?.
Of course they do. This is a level 4 disease, the highest level of containment is required. The US has not been following protocol and been very sloppy with this outbreak so far.
I am a huge supporter when it comes to personal freedoms and consider myself a libretarian, however in the case of a disease this deadly, quarantine is required by law. A voluntary quarantine is not a quarantine at all.
their beliefs and practice's don't tally- tonights book study
by purrpurr intonights book study in part is about jesus throwing out the merchants and money lenders in the temple... how do they manage to tally that up with asking for funds for all their various projects?
it seems hardly a meeting goes by without some kind of money plea?
don't they realise that they are doing the same thing that jesus got so angry about and threw out of the temple?
The pharisees were merely the leaders of "Jehovahs Organization" at the time. They were only trying to "keep the congregation clean" from "worldly" non Jews. What is there to criticize? The GB should be praising their fine example in my opinion.
their beliefs and practice's don't tally- tonights book study
by purrpurr intonights book study in part is about jesus throwing out the merchants and money lenders in the temple... how do they manage to tally that up with asking for funds for all their various projects?
it seems hardly a meeting goes by without some kind of money plea?
don't they realise that they are doing the same thing that jesus got so angry about and threw out of the temple?
The hypocrisy never ceases to stun me even though I should know better. Criticizing the Jewish leaders for discriminating and looking down on non Jews. How do JWs look at non-JWs?? To not talk with them after school/work unless you are preaching to them, and that they deserve to be destroyed. ALL non-JWs are BAD ASSOCIATION by default! How much worse can it get? They truly are pros at seeing the straw in everyone elses eye and cannot see the huge beam in their own. They are totally blind to it. Its not just their comments at the KH, its also permeates their conversations.
Keeping up with Jehovahs chariot?
by Vidqun inwitnesses are quick to remind us to keep up with jehovahs chariot.
perhaps they should examine the context of the chariot, mentioned by ezekiel.
they always quote the first part (ezek.
BU2B comments on "Are you convinced you have the truth? Why?" WT article.
by BU2B ini want to start doing a wt review on certain articles.
i think we need as much discussion as possible breaking down these mind control sessions.
i cannot compare with blondie, but i will do my best.
I just wrote out what would otherwise be trapped in my brain while sitting through the lesson. It helps to vent it out in a organized way.
BU2B comments on "Are you convinced you have the truth? Why?" WT article.
by BU2B ini want to start doing a wt review on certain articles.
i think we need as much discussion as possible breaking down these mind control sessions.
i cannot compare with blondie, but i will do my best.
Thats satans influence. Satan is behind natural human behaviour and thinking, like getting a good career, traveling, education, having a variety of friends, enjoying the opposite sex or the same sex if thats your thing, helping others materially etc. Only going to the KH, FS, prayer is good. Everything else is a distraction at best.
BU2B comments on "Are you convinced you have the truth? Why?" WT article.
by BU2B ini want to start doing a wt review on certain articles.
i think we need as much discussion as possible breaking down these mind control sessions.
i cannot compare with blondie, but i will do my best.
Thats satans influence. Satan is behind natural human behaviour and thinking, like getting a good career, traveling, education, having a variety of friends, enjoying the opposite sex or the same sex if thats your thing, helping others materially etc. Only going to the KH, FS, prayer is good. Everything else is a distraction at best.
BU2B comments on "Are you convinced you have the truth? Why?" WT article.
by BU2B ini want to start doing a wt review on certain articles.
i think we need as much discussion as possible breaking down these mind control sessions.
i cannot compare with blondie, but i will do my best.
I want to start doing a WT review on certain articles. I think we need as much discussion as possible breaking down these mind control sessions. I cannot compare with Blondie, but I will do my best.
Are You Convinced That You Have the Truth? Why?
1. How did Christendom’s clergy react during wartime?
IS IT the will of God that true Christians go to war and kill people of a different nationality? During the last 100 years, that has often been done by many who called themselves Christians. Catholic army chaplains have blessed troops and their weapons in wars against Catholics of an opposing nation. The same has been true of Protestant chaplains. World War II is a prime example of the resulting slaughter.
BU2B- If it was the will of YHWH for his people to be at war quite often, along with commiting large scale genocide of civilian populations, why is it so difficult to imagine that other people who claim to follow this violent god also go to war and commit genocide? Also even if war was detestible to God and Jesus, the JWs not participating does not "convince me I have the truth".
2, 3. What position did Jehovah’s Witnesses take during World War II and later, and why?
2 What did Jehovah’s Witnesses do in that time of war? The historical record shows that they maintained a position of Christian neutrality. What was the basis for their stand? It was primarily the example and teachings of Jesus. He said: “By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves.” (John 13:35) They also took to heart the extended application of the reasoning that the apostle Paul presented in writing to Christians in Corinth.—Read 2 Corinthians 10:3, 4.
3 Therefore, true Christians, who have their conscience trained by the Bible, do not learn war or participate in warfare. As a result of holding to this Christian position, thousands of Witnesses, young and old, male and female, have been persecuted. Many have suffered in forced-labor camps and prisons. During the Nazi era in Germany, some were even murdered. Regardless of the vicious persecution they faced in Europe, the Witnesses never forgot their commission to preach the good news of Jehovah’s Kingdom. They faithfully did so—in prisons, in concentration camps, and in exile. * Later, Witnesses took no part in the warlike ethnic cleansing in Rwanda in 1994. They also remained neutral during the bloodbaths that more recently occurred in the Balkans conflict during the breakup of the former Yugoslavia.
BU2B- While it is commendable that JWs refused to fight in Hitlers army or refused to kill others, even hiding others in the Rwandan Genocide, does this convince me that JW have the truth? Were they the only ones who hid Tutsi people during the bloodbath? Were they the only ones opposed to warfare during hitlers aggression? What if Hitler had managed to take over the world? Would the JWs refusal to fight for the Allied powers be virtuous? How many more concientious objectors were there who were not JWs? I am still unconvinced.
4. How has the neutrality of Jehovah’s Witnesses affected observers?
4 The strict neutrality of Jehovah’s Witnesses has convinced thousands of observers around the globe that the Witnesses practice genuine love of God and of neighbor. In other words, they are practicing true Christianity. Yet, there are other features of our worship that have convinced many that when they see Jehovah’s Witnesses, they are seeing true Christians.
BU2B- How often outside of extreme situations like world wars, disasters and genocides do JWs show genuine love of neighbor? What charities do they run? Do they help feed the hungry? Clothe the poor? Why is the help they provide mostly limited to passing out their propaganda? Why do these "true christians" leave humanitarian efforts to "christendom" who they just got finished condenming? What did James have to say?
Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world. (James 1:27)
Do JWs follow the scripture more than those they condenm? Who is more christian?
5. What change did Christ’s early followers face?
5 From the start of his ministry, Jesus stressed the importance of proclaiming the good news of God’s Kingdom. He chose 12 disciples to share in laying the foundation for a global ministry; afterward, he trained a group of 70 disciples. (Luke 6:13; 10:1) These were prepared to take the good news to others, at first to the Jews. Then, a surprise! Jesus’ disciples were going to take it to uncircumcised ones of the nations. What a change that must have been for zealous Jewish disciples!—Acts 1:8.
BU2B- Did Jesus only preach or did he help the sick and poor too? WHAT did he preach? Was it about 1914? Armageddon?
6. What led Peter to recognize Jehovah’s impartiality?
6 The apostle Peter was sent to the home of Cornelius, an uncircumcised Gentile. Peter then recognized that God is impartial. Cornelius and his household were baptized. Christianity was now expanding into a vast new field; people in all nations could hear the truth and accept it. (Acts 10:9-48) Now the field was the whole world.
BU2B- How long did it take for Cornelius to be baptized? Did he have to resign his military post? Do JWs follow this example or just cherry pick what they want to from it? Was the field truly the Whole World? What about China? India? The Americas? Oceania?
7, 8. What initiative has Jehovah’s organization taken? (See opening image.)
7 During the modern-day history of Jehovah’s Witnesses, those taking the lead have zealously promoted the preaching and teaching of the good news around the world. Today, almost eight million zealous Witnesses are doing their utmost to spread Christ’s message in well over 600 languages, with more to come! Jehovah’s Witnesses are clearly identified by their house-to-house ministry and by their preaching on the streets, sometimes using display tables and mobile literature carts.
8 More than 2,900 translators have received specialized training to translate the Bible and Bible literature. Their work is certainly not limited to what might be considered major languages. Their efforts include hundreds of languages that are not widely known but that are, nevertheless, spoken by millions of people. For example, in Spain millions of Catalonians speak their native language, Catalan, on a daily basis. In recent times especially, there has been a resurgence of Catalan and its variations in Andorra, Alicante, the Balearic Islands, and Valencia. Jehovah’s Witnesses now produce Bible literature in Catalan, and Christian meetings are being held in the language that warms the hearts of the Catalonian people.
BU2B- It is true that JW material is available in an unbelievable number of languages. Do they truly preach Christs original message? Did Jesus preach that "MIllions now living will never die!" 1914? Paradise earth? 2 hopes for his followers? That you must be part of a specific organiation for salvation? Did he preach that he ws not the mediatior for ALL? or does Galatians 1:8,9 perhaps apply?
8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse! (Gal 1:8,9)
9, 10. What illustrates that God’s organization is interested in the spiritual needs of all people?
9 This pattern of translation and teaching is being repeated in many cultures. Mexico is a Spanish-speaking country but has sizable indigenous groups speaking other languages. The Maya make up one such group. The branch in Mexico assigned the Maya translation team to reside in a part of the country where they could speak and hear the language on a daily basis. Another example is Nepali, one of the languages spoken in Nepal, which has a population of over 29 million. Some 120 languages are spoken in the country, but well over ten million speak Nepali and many others use it as a second tongue. Our Bible literature is also produced in that language.
10 Jehovah’s organization takes the commission to preach the good news of the Kingdom worldwide very seriously, as shown by the support given to the many translation teams around the world. Millions upon millions of tracts, brochures, and magazines have been distributed in campaigns throughout the world, without charge to the public. The expense has been covered by the voluntary donations of Jehovah’s Witnesses, who have followed Jesus’ instruction: “You received free, give free.”—Matt. 10:8.
'BU2B- Still dont see how this proves that JWs have the truth one way or the other. The Quaran has been translated into many languages as well. Does translating something into the most languages prove anything when you look at it objectively?
11, 12. How has the global preaching work done by Jehovah’s Witnesses had a good effect on others?
11 As devoted Christian preachers and teachers, Jehovah’s Witnesses are so convinced that they have found the truth that they make great sacrifices in order to share the message with people of other nations and ethnic groups. Many have simplified their life, learned another language, and adapted to a different culture in order to share in this vital Christian work. This international preaching and teaching work is another factor that convinces many people that Jehovah’s Witnesses are the true followers of Christ Jesus.
12 Witnesses do all of this because they are convinced that they have found the truth. But what else has convinced millions of people that Jehovah’s Witnesses have the truth?—Read Romans 14:17, 18.
BU2B- Does being convinced you have the truth make it reality? Mormons are equally convinced they have the truth and also preach. Does this make them right too?
13. How have the Witnesses kept the organization clean?
13 We can benefit from comments by devoted Christians of our time, who are convinced that they have the truth. One longtime servant of Jehovah expressed his feelings this way: “Every effort is made to keep Jehovah’s organization morally clean and undefiled, regardless of who has to be counseled or disciplined.” How is this high moral standard achieved? By following the standards set out in God’s Word and the pattern that Jesus and his disciples provided. Thus, during the modern-day history of Jehovah’s Witnesses, relatively few have had to be expelled from the Christian fellowship because they would not conform to God’s standards. The vast majority—including some who formerly lived in a way that God did not approve of but who changed—maintain a clean and exemplary lifestyle.—Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.
BU2B- So Jesus set the pattern of Shunning and DF? I would like to see those scriptures, as I must have missed them. Is Shunning those who disagree that Jesus began to rule in 1914 really keeping anything clean, or it is a way to maintain dictatorial authority? Is shunning merciful? If anything that JWs shun convinces me THEY ARE NOT THE TRUTH! This article is seeming to have a opposite effect on me!
14. What have many disfellowshipped ones done, and with what result?
14 What about those who had to be put out of the congregation, in obedience to Scriptural direction? Thousands have repented of their unchristian actions and have been welcomed back into the congregation. (Read 2 Corinthians 2:6-8.) Holding to the Bible’s high code of conduct has resulted in a clean Christian congregation that inspires confidence and trust. That Jehovah’s Witnesses hold to God’s standards—in stark contrast with the permissiveness common in many churches—has in itself convinced many that this is a people who practice the truth.
BU2B- What about those expelled for smoking? Gambling? Oral sex within marriage? Pornography? No scriptural direction there? What about those who merely want out because they disagree? Was Jesus permissive when he didnt condenm the woman with the flow of blood? Didnt she break the Moral code? Who said "I want mercy and not sacrifice"?
15. What convinced one brother that he has the truth?
15 Why do other experienced Witnesses believe that they have found the truth? One brother in his 50’s explained: “I have believed since I was a teenager that my faith rested on three basic pillars or premises: (1) that God exists; (2) that he inspired the Bible; and (3) that he is using and blessing the Christian congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses today. As I have studied over the years, I have always tried to test those pillars and have asked myself if they were on truly solid ground. The evidence for each has grown substantially year after year, strengthening my faith and deepening my conviction that we do, indeed, have the truth.”
BU2B- The brther quoted differs much from me and others here because I 1. Am not convinced God even exists at all, 2. realize that the Bible is the work of mostly ignorant men, and that 3. Know he has nothing to do with JWs. I have tested the pillars he listed and that started me on the path out. The evidence that the WT is not what they claim grows for me year after year, deepening my conviction that I have to get the hell out. I now realized that thes unamed "brother" if he even is a real person is under mind control. He convinces himself using publications that make use of BITE method tactics and are rife with logical fallacies. Textbook naked propaganda.
16. What was it about the truth that impressed one sister?
16 A married sister who is serving at the world headquarters in New York commented about Jehovah’s organization: “It is the only one that unwaveringly proclaims Jehovah’s name. How logical that is when we recall that the divine name appears some 7,000 times in the Bible! I appreciate the encouragement found at 2 Chronicles 16:9: ‘The eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him.’” She continues: “The truth has shown me how to have a complete heart so that Jehovah can freely show his strength toward me. My relationship with Jehovah is most precious to me. And I appreciate Jesus’ role in providing intimate knowledge of God that sustains me.”
BU2B- Is Jehovah really Gods name? Is quoting from people who have decades of indoctrination under their belt proof of anything? Why are they trying to ppeal to emotion and not logic here? No proof offered for anything here. Do only JWs use the word "JEhovah"? Is therr any proof of Jesus using it?
17. Of what is a former atheist convinced, and why?
17 A former atheist confessed: “The creation convinces me that God wants mankind to enjoy life and therefore he will not allow suffering to go on forever. Also, as the world descends further into ungodliness, Jehovah’s people are progressing in faith, zeal, and love. Only Jehovah’s spirit could produce this modern-day miracle.”—Read 1 Peter 4:1-4.
BU2B- This person never had a grasp on science because there is no way an educated informed athiest is going to go with the JWs and their Global flood, tower of babel and man has only existed for 6000 years nonsense.
18. How do you feel about the sentiments expressed by two other brothers?
18 Another longtime Witness gave his reasons for believing the truth that we preach: “My study over the years has convinced me that the Witnesses have made serious efforts to return to the model of first-century Christianity. I have seen for myself the global unity of Jehovah’s Witnesses as I have traveled the world. The truth from the Bible has given me satisfaction and happiness.” When a brother who is over 60 was asked why he was convinced that he had found the truth, he focused on Jesus Christ, explaining: “We have carefully studied the life and ministry of Jesus and have come to appreciate his example. We have made adjustments in our lifestyle to draw nearer to God through Christ Jesus. We have recognized Christ’s ransom sacrifice as the basis for salvation. And we know that he was resurrected from the dead. We have the testimony of reliable eyewitnesses to that fact.”—Read 1 Corinthians 15:3-8.
BU2B- Believing in Jesus is something shared by all Christianity. Every bible based cult claims to be a restoration of 1st century christianity. These claims mean nothing. They all believe in the ransom. Would Jesus deny someone a life saving medical procedure? The same Jesus who said how you should break the sabbath to rescue a animal from a pit on the sabbath?
19, 20. (a) What responsibility did Paul emphasize to the congregation in Rome? (b) As dedicated Christians, what is our privilege?
19 As Christians who love our neighbor, we cannot keep our precious knowledge of the truth to ourselves. Paul reasoned with his brothers in the congregation in Rome: “If you publicly declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and exercise faith in your heart that God raised him up from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the mouth one makes public declaration for salvation.”—Rom. 10:9, 10.
20 As dedicated Witnesses of Jehovah, we are convinced that we have the truth and are aware of our privilege to teach others the good news of God’s Kingdom rule. As we go about our preaching assignment, may others become impressed not only with what we teach from the Bible but also with our glowing conviction.
BU2B- I resent the fact that paragraph 20 answers the personal question asked in the theme of the article. It TELLS the reader that we ARE convinced. If you feel any different or have doubts about it after their unconvincing 20 paragraphs, maybe you need to read it over again and pray more because YOU have the problem, not them. I find it hilarious that going out wasting Saturdays peddling harmful propaganda is somehow a "privledge". This article has only succeded in convincing me even further that the WT is a fraud.
Please include your own comments guys! I cant wait to read them.
Keeping up with Jehovahs chariot?
by Vidqun inwitnesses are quick to remind us to keep up with jehovahs chariot.
perhaps they should examine the context of the chariot, mentioned by ezekiel.
they always quote the first part (ezek.
The public talk last sunday kept mentioning the "chariot" as well. AMIII says he is trying to keep up too. The "chariot" is merely a tool to make changing human commands and interpretations seem to have a divine orgin. Sad part is it works if you are willing to not think beyond the most base level. Problem is most JWs are not thinkers. Most that are are either here or will be.