don't think it's probable for them to have formed without some kind of guidance.
Kate That guidance would be natural selection. The life forms that survived long enough to replicate are the ones we see today.
there seem to be many prerequisites for life as we know it.. to name a few: order, function, compatibility, availability, sustainability, intelligence, consciousness, intuition and so on.. focusing on only one, namely order.. what are the chances of order arising spontaneously, by chance, with no creator/designer?.
i have often pondered this and recently came across a mathematical summary of the big picture:.
if every particle in the known physical universe (10^80 particles), participated in one trillion interactions (10^12 interactions) per second, for the entire 30 billion years of the universe's existence (10^18 seconds), then we would by now have covered only 10^110 permutations.. if you had only 100 components in a container, what are the chances that a blindfolded person could lay them out in order on a table?.
don't think it's probable for them to have formed without some kind of guidance.
Kate That guidance would be natural selection. The life forms that survived long enough to replicate are the ones we see today.
hey are you guys familiar with this form?
are there any instances where the watchtower is abusing their tax exempt status?.
has anyone else seen the hbo scientology documentary 'going clear' - wow...cults are just mind-blowing you wonder how people can fall for that garbage, then you (those of us former/fading jws) look in the mirror.. i would love for someone to make a major jw documentary like this.
'going clear' is getting a lot of press.
poor tom cruise...he looks like quite the whack job in it too.
hey are you guys familiar with this form?
are there any instances where the watchtower is abusing their tax exempt status?.
Hey are you guys familiar with this form?
Are there any instances where the Watchtower is abusing their tax exempt status?
fyi, if you feel that scientology's tax-exempt status should be revoked, you can sign a white house petition to revoke its tax-exempt status at i signed the petition even though i have mixed feelings about this petition.
i would prefer that dangerous cults like scientology be reformed by suspending its tax-exempt status until it makes needed changes and i do not like targeting a specific organization when the whole system should be changed.
on the other hand this type of action may help to promote debate about revising the tax codes in the us.. i do prefer revising the tax code like i wrote about in revise tax code to protect children from sexual abuse .. peace be with you and everyone, who you love,.
recent events and book reads (one suggested by cofty i believe- thank you) have lead me to the only logical and acceptable conclusion:.
there is no god.. simple logical reasoning: matter can neither me created or destroyed.
so the amount of mass in the universe is constant.
hi guys & gals,.
i'm really pleased with how the interview with the acclaimed author steven hassan just went.. you can listen to it here -
if you've read the first edition of combatting cult mind control, let us all know what you thought of that book too.. cheers,jaymes.
it was access to this tree that kept adam and eve in a "perfect" state.
that is why they were kicked out of the garden.
actually, they may not have found the fruit at the time of their expulsion.
I brought something like this up before:
So Adam and Eve died from a small sin of eating a piece of fruit. If sin causes death why is Satan not dead?
Why didn't Adam and eve die that very day like god said? Why punish a snake if it was just being used by Satan? Would Adam and eve have died from sinning if they ate from the tree of life first?
Is Satan still perfect if he disobeys god? Did humans make the first sin?
have you heard about this?
in the future google might sort website links by how accurate the information is.
it would definitely put the website near the bottom of the list..
Have you heard about this? In the future Google might sort website links by how accurate the information is. It would definitely put the website near the bottom of the list.
i am tired of jws using spin words to make it sound like scientist and scholars are not sure about what they are talking about whenever the wtbs doesn't agree with what they are saying.
they'll say stuff like the bible is true but some scientists feel evolution is.... do you know any good examples of these twisting of words?.