The Indians are famous for the statement: I will judge no man until I have walked in his mocassins for 2 miles.
Unfortunately people who promote themselves as kings and judges have so little experience. They may be able to rattle off scripture verbatim, but they do not understand the message of the Christ which was one of love, compassion and understanding.
There is nothing in the human so fragile as the mental/emotional aspect. I have had family members who have suffered depression and emotional disturbances due to feeling inadequate and needing to try harder HARDER,HARDER! Until they burn out and collapse under the pressure only to be told that they must be spiritually inadequate. What cruel and heartless judges!
I have family who have attempted suicide and still suffer from the effects of the overdose. Just recently a friend succeeded in suicide. The results of a JC. There are too many people with some sort of mental/emotional disturbances brought on by stress etc.
Of course we know the stigma attached to depression, panic attacks, borderline personality, manic depression, PTS etc. etc. So if you take meds - just don't tell or the spy glass will get you.
I agree with your statement about the cleaning. As long as wrongs can be swept under the carpet there will be no change. People who have power to change are unwilling. The 'willing' are without power.
Forums such as this have exposed the need to change. Confronting the problems is a beginning. But I fear we have a long way to go. Change will not come by 'human power'. Although humans may be used to effect change. I feel a certain sadness for people like You Know. Because they come on as a super self righteous judge and lose the power they may have to heal others. One of the last posts that You Know made on the old H2O he sorted out his feelings and surprisingly deep down in speaks a different speech. On the regular board he comes out as a devil's advocate. If/when I dig out his old posting I will post it. It was his best post. Just not sure whether he is Jekyll or Hyde.