Moshe: I hear you! A lot of brothers have told me how happier their lives have been since they learned the troof. One of them said that he still had the same problems but that at least he was happier now. Heck, I've never liked field service because I find it ineffective. If only I had astute householders in my area, lol. Thanks for the quotes.
Ziddina: I'm glad I go to a foreign language congo; it makes it easier to zone out and not pay attention. How do I pass the time? I read the Bible [without WT goggles on] and have my mag or book open to keep wandering eyes away. The diary in the form of PM's is a good idea. I'll start it on paper and maybe eventually it'll end up in of the posters you mentioned or your inbox. Thanks. :)
sseveninches: I don't remember how "higher education" is translated in pt. I haven't read any WT publications in pt in like a year or two. I read everything in English now and it makes it easier to remember what I read.