Me thinks Horsey-Woman does protest too much.. Bahahahahhaha!!!!!
those of you familar with may have seen me around the site, i've been posting there since early last year, and recently i was a moderator for a short time, before its sudden closure.. i was raised in the truth, daughter of a one-time elder and am a third generation jw.
i have seen a lot of changes in the society, some for the better, many for the worse.. i am now inactive, have not been to a meeting since the memorial earlier this year and not been in active witnessing since january 99.. so i am more out than in, though i have a few family members that are still witnesses, so i try not to put myself in the situation where i could be df'd.
(easy, avoid the elders!
Me thinks Horsey-Woman does protest too much.. Bahahahahhaha!!!!!
roy, .
your absolution if you have any coming will be from god and not from humans.
your confession needs to be directed toward him and not us.. -seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-
Ahem.... considering I'm a cat.. I probably should be running from you about now.. or are you into sheep? Poor thing... hearing Baaaaaaaaaaaa in your fantasies at night instead of "Hey, big boy, wanna play?"
hello everyone, especially from witnet.
as long as i have been on the net, i hadn't used it for anything remotely related to jw until earlier this year.. i was looking into bb software for our company's site, and on the infopop site i saw a link for witnet!
since witnet closed, i have seen so much online, it's been a little overwhelming, lol.. i really enjoyed my time there, and i'll stop in here from time to time, if you can handle it.
Hi Lisa,
I've not been around much lately.. been busy busy, but I wanted to welcome you to the forum!
decided to use my real name...its helen but i am an over the hill grandma also..(lol not really) how the heck is everyone?
Hi Helen! Glad to hear you're now up and around and feeling a big caged.. That's actually good news, as that tells me you're getting better fast.
Here you're talking about snowmobiles and such, and it's the first day of our Australian summer! Beautiful blue skies, a sea breeze, and 86 degrees outside (30 degrees celsius). I just took Katie to the park, and read a magazine while sitting under the trees as she played! She was saying that she would LOVE to be where there's some snow so she could play in it. I just don't understand that kid! LOL
the brochure "the new millenium- what does the future hold for you?
" was just deliverd to my house this morning.
my wife answered the door and took it from an elder jw that i saw walking away as my wife shut the door.
Two JW's showed up at my door here in Perth today while I was in the process of locking up to take my daughter swimming. One of them handed me the tract. I took one look at it, said, "Jehovah's Witnesses?" He answered, "Why yes, how did you know?" I said, "Before I left the Organization, I was one of you. Here, you can have this back, I won't be needing it, thanks." They went on to the next door, and I left. It felt great to hand that tract back and declare my freedom!!!!!
i appreciate so much of what is being said here, but frankly i just want it done with.
i don't even care if their doctrines are right or not, their conduct, their conditional love and their hypocrisy is definitely wrong.. i have given up looking for a church that has the answers, there is none.
there are no perfect churches, doctrines or people.
Not sure.. you voiced exactly how I felt when I left the organization. Time was a healer for me, and distance. I still deal with my anger at God though. Haven't come to terms with that yet.
I wish the best for you, and hope your journey out of the "untruth" is a successful one, in that you end up with a happier, more contended life than what you had inside the Organization.
Thanks, Waiting..
Actually, it felt pretty good to be 45 years old and able to kick my foot as high as my head! LOL
Ms T
ROFL!!! No, but I've thought about it sometimes, believe me! heh heh.
Combat Aerobics are aerobics done with Tae Bo (sic) movements. Like kick boxing. It's alot of fun!
Sorry folks, I've been extremely busy lately, making a gift for my new grandson to mail to the USA. It's a crocheted baby bunting, so I've been limiting my time on the internet to get this done. Plus I've been doing Aerobics classes everyday. (Combat aerobics and weight-pump aerobics) I will try to get around a little more often and post though!
Seven, I'm so sorry to hear you have suffered such a loss. Been there and done that, and it's horribly hard. We care for you and we're here if and when you need us. Take your time and let yourself grieve.
Big hugs,
...for the average jw as i see them out in door to door work.
i shake my head and think; they just don't know.
or maybe they do, but are in a dilemma similar to thousands if not millions right now.
Methinks this is just SS in another "disguise". Not worth our posting to him.