Farkel, I didn't know you had a taste for red meat.
Farkel, I didn't know you had a taste for red meat.
reading through some of the posts re the mcveigh debate, it's obvious that there is a huge divide between the usa and europe over many issues, in particular with reference to the way that society should deal with deviants.. i think that there is a lot of other cultural differences between our societies, and i'm just wondering if this is why the wtbts has had a far higher "conversion factor" in the usa than in europe.. some of the phraseology contained in the watchtower magazines is incomprehensible to europeans.
i remember that words that are in common usage now, were, when first used in the wt, totally baffling.. the expression "no way" wasn't in common use until years after the wt featured it, like wise with "points up", also "right on" meant nothing to anyone.
indeed, many return visits to placed magazine householders resulted in them asking a bewildered dub for an explanation of these then strange terms.
Hi Tina,
A "Beating, country style" refers to being taken out behind the woodshed and whipped with a strap, switch, or whatever. But you didn't soon forget that type of whipping!
Does a '62 T-bird with a 390 engine and dual Holley 4-barrels sound powerful enough to be in the race? Mine was Aqua metalflake with a white top.
jst2laws is toast!.
after 29 years i am officially no longer serving as an elder.
those who knew i was still serving would only be surprised that i took so long.
Thank you for giving of yourself and your experience here. I have been out of the Cong (inactive but never more to return) for 6 years now, and your story brought back a memory of one elder and his problems with trying to be compassionate among the snakes. I will post that soon. Thanks again,
reading through some of the posts re the mcveigh debate, it's obvious that there is a huge divide between the usa and europe over many issues, in particular with reference to the way that society should deal with deviants.. i think that there is a lot of other cultural differences between our societies, and i'm just wondering if this is why the wtbts has had a far higher "conversion factor" in the usa than in europe.. some of the phraseology contained in the watchtower magazines is incomprehensible to europeans.
i remember that words that are in common usage now, were, when first used in the wt, totally baffling.. the expression "no way" wasn't in common use until years after the wt featured it, like wise with "points up", also "right on" meant nothing to anyone.
indeed, many return visits to placed magazine householders resulted in them asking a bewildered dub for an explanation of these then strange terms.
Hi Larc,
I'm originally from the Ozarks and I have no idea what Devil's strip means.
Regarding Australian dialect though, it's universal throughout Oz. Not like the US. But then, you have only 19 million people here compared to the 240+million inhabitants of the USA.
BTW, have Englishman tell you what it means to be "stuffed" in the UK. It's certainly different than in USA, as well as "rooting".
Edited for typos as usual...
yeah 200 yrs sounds a tad excessive..................but things are bigger and better in the us.....i guess it works for sentences as well.. sacramento, calif. (ap) -- a man who used tiger woods' identity to steal $17,000 worth of goods was sentenced to 200 years-to-life in prison.
anthony lemar taylor was convicted of falsely obtaining a driver's license using the name eldrick t. woods, woods' social security number and his birth date.
though he looks nothing like golf's best player, the 30-year-old taylor then used the false identification and credit cards to buy a 70-inch tv, stereos and a used luxury car between august 1998 and august 1999. .
Hi Jelly,
It's not just a drug/prison issue. I look at the big picture, and what I see it being is a total societal problem. From the groundwork up. It's like chain reaction. Starts with families who aren't close due to both parents having to work all the time, the economic/monetary system of doing business, fast-paced lives which leave no time for human contact/kindness. If we bring up our children Not to be criminals, sure, we're bound to have a few bad apples, but not the barrels full we're seeing today!
Yes, longer sentences for hardened criminals would treat the symptoms, but somewhere along the line, society will have to face the music and deal with the root causes of all this mess, or we will have a total breakdown of society. And that has absolutely NOTHING to do with GOD/Higher Power/Religion. It has everything to do with consequences of bad behaviors. Just my .05 which is probably worth closer to .02
yeah 200 yrs sounds a tad excessive..................but things are bigger and better in the us.....i guess it works for sentences as well.. sacramento, calif. (ap) -- a man who used tiger woods' identity to steal $17,000 worth of goods was sentenced to 200 years-to-life in prison.
anthony lemar taylor was convicted of falsely obtaining a driver's license using the name eldrick t. woods, woods' social security number and his birth date.
though he looks nothing like golf's best player, the 30-year-old taylor then used the false identification and credit cards to buy a 70-inch tv, stereos and a used luxury car between august 1998 and august 1999. .
Yeah, you're right Seeker. I was basically venting. I have to say though, here in Oz, I do see more of a "glorify the criminal" attitude than I do in the USA. I have to admit though, I do not have enough of a knowledge of English culture to make a judgement on the UK, other than the English/Scottish people I've met here in Oz. This is a culture that very much models itself after the British, and down here they do punish the victims here more than the criminals and that's the truth. Thanks for your comments. Once again, the voice of reason.
And Joel, cut that out. You've got me laughing so hard I'm about to need Depends! lol
reading through some of the posts re the mcveigh debate, it's obvious that there is a huge divide between the usa and europe over many issues, in particular with reference to the way that society should deal with deviants.. i think that there is a lot of other cultural differences between our societies, and i'm just wondering if this is why the wtbts has had a far higher "conversion factor" in the usa than in europe.. some of the phraseology contained in the watchtower magazines is incomprehensible to europeans.
i remember that words that are in common usage now, were, when first used in the wt, totally baffling.. the expression "no way" wasn't in common use until years after the wt featured it, like wise with "points up", also "right on" meant nothing to anyone.
indeed, many return visits to placed magazine householders resulted in them asking a bewildered dub for an explanation of these then strange terms.
Well folks, I have the true experience and situation to knock out all your theories. First off, Englishman, good post up there at the top. I like the subject matter.
Next, Prisca, you're a prejudiced person, but then again, so am I. Having lived in Australia the past 2 1/2 years, and having been born and raised in middle America, and now being married to a man born and reared in Germany, but now Naturalized Australian, I believe I can speak with some authority on the subject of cultures and their knowledge of one another. I have made some close friends here in Australia, ones I will keep for the rest of my life, hopefully. But one thing I find very funny and very telling in light of Prisca's post about the knowledge/education level of Americans: Both my European husband and my American self both agree: Australians are not the most educated or enlightened people in this world as a whole. In fact, I have found many of them to be a bit "thick" if you get my drift. But that's just this American's opinion, and my European Naturalized Australian husband shares it wholeheartedly.
My husband and I share many a laugh over the differences in our cultures, upbringing, education styles, you name it. And many times one or the other of us will say something that makes the other one go "huh?". But one universal thing we do share, is RESPECT for the other one's place in the world, for their right to have their culture and practice it. I have now picked up a few Australian phrases that I didn't use before, (as Comf said, you have to have knowledge of it before you can use it) and I've taught my Aussie friends/acquaintances a few things they didn't know about Americans. But they as well as myself were willing to learn and change. And that's what it's all about, folks.
Now,Engligshman, back to the central reason for your post. Yes, I believe that the WTBTS is basically an American religion that spread itself over the earth, with the usual Watchtower hoity-toity attitudes toward other cultures it was infiltrating and assimilating. If American men were primarily writing the articles, then American colloquialisms are what you're going to read in their publications. But let me say what has already been said, "The WatchTower Society doesn't speak real American! They speak WATCHTOWER SPEAK.: Thank you for your time and attention to this lengthy post.
yeah 200 yrs sounds a tad excessive..................but things are bigger and better in the us.....i guess it works for sentences as well.. sacramento, calif. (ap) -- a man who used tiger woods' identity to steal $17,000 worth of goods was sentenced to 200 years-to-life in prison.
anthony lemar taylor was convicted of falsely obtaining a driver's license using the name eldrick t. woods, woods' social security number and his birth date.
though he looks nothing like golf's best player, the 30-year-old taylor then used the false identification and credit cards to buy a 70-inch tv, stereos and a used luxury car between august 1998 and august 1999. .
You have some good points in your post, except the drug issue, imo. I never have approved of recreational drug use, and never will. That's my opinion, and you are totally in your rights to have your own also.
One other point I wish to make, though. I think that is what is wrong here in Australia, UK, and other places in the world with less harsh laws than the USA. You believe in just slapping hands and not kicking ass. That's why your soccer games are full of idiots wrecking the stadiums, and your old people are being robbed by teenagers with ballbats. Get a backbone and stop making criminals out of the victims. The USA prison system isn't perfect by any means, but at least we don't mollycoddle all our criminals.
i'm just wondering if it is because i have changed and have gained my freedom from the watchtower enslavement or i just don't care anymore or is it that i have been exposed to too much of the same old complaints about the borg and all the false prophecies and the lies?.
i must admit i still get pleasure from reports of the watchtower walls starting to crumble al over the civilized world so i guess i'll continue to pop in from time to time.. as far as trying to de-program and rescue the poor unfortunate brainnumbed watchtower slaves, i think it's a total waste of time after all how do get through to people who prefer to believe in the lies when they know they are lies but they just don't want to see the real truth about the "truth(tm)".
i gues they don't want to see the real truth because it would force them to start thinking for them selves again and for some people that is just too much of a burden to bear.
Same here, Venice. When I first found the internet, I knew there was a lack of love in the Congregations, and I knew there were problems, but I had absolutely NO IDEA of all the falsehoods, and downright evilness. I really thought it was the "Truth". Crisis of Conscience was an absolute revelation to me. It made a HUGE difference in my life and I only hope I can help others to see it before they too waste precious years of their lives living and believing in a lie.
hello everyone i am new to this board and look forward to getting to know everyoneee....just wanted to say that, thanks bye bye.
Welcome to the board.