ROFL Lisa!!! Ewwwwwwww...........
yup, forget fancy scourers, fairy liquid......check out the real way to get mugs clean.
a fireman is in trouble for surreptitiously putting his penis into the boss's coffee mug.. fire lieutenant mark tomczak admits putting his member in chief william beres' cup.. he pulled the prank while he and other firemen were cleaning the station offices in west allis, milwaukee.. the incident, 10 years ago, came to light after mr beres' son began working as a fireman and heard the story.. mr beres, who has since retired, has demanded lt tomczak be disciplined despite the passage of time.. lt tomczak has been hauled before the police and fire commission to hear evidence, reports the milwaukee journal sentinel.. an investigation showed seven firefighters witnessed the incident.. lt tomczak's lawyer, ray dall'osto, told the panel lt tomczak regrets his actions and confessed when questioned.. mr beres was chief of west allis fire department from 1980-91. the hearings continue in august.. story filed: 20:16 wednesday 20th june 2001. .
ROFL Lisa!!! Ewwwwwwww...........
i'm new on this board.
i hope to share my own experience on how i'm exiting out of this org.
pls stay tune for more.
Hi exodus, and welcome to the group! Do tell us your story, but be quick about it, we're going to be destroyed any day now! (Yeah right)
a couple of people have claimed i am co-dependent ..... a few years back i had to go through this list and do the following: .
codependents frequently:.
codependents frequently:.
If you'll notice, in an earlier post, when she said she had sent [email protected] a letter on June 6, I want to point out something:
No 1. I was NOT new to this forum. I've been a member since June 9 of LAST year.
No2. I did not solicit her list in any way, shape or form. She HARVESTED my email from this forum, CLAIMING not to know it was me and said that she sent me an introductory letter to her list. Nevermind that I never received said letter, even though I receive everything else sent to that address.
No3. I have visited Jan G's site once in the past three years, and only once. And I didn't leave any information on that site, unless she perchance has spyware on it or something. Now knowing her methods, I wouldn't doubt it.
As I said, I rest my case.
a couple of people have claimed i am co-dependent ..... a few years back i had to go through this list and do the following: .
codependents frequently:.
codependents frequently:.
Let's everybody sing! Queen of D-E-N-I-A-L......
the following quote is one taken from h20 after you claimed on this forum that you weren't posting your "compassion" post in order to incite guilt feelings within this forum:.
i agree that if they feel that something is wrong with rick then they are certainly shooting the wounded - but that is typical cult behaviour - they learnt this as jw's .... they just haven't learnt the compassion they so much desired to see within the organization themselves yet.
in the original post you put "shooting the wounded" in bold letters, effectively showing that you posted that diatribe in order to make people who were denouncing rick and his methods of moderating his forum.
Jan, the emails I posted speak for themselves, as well as the posts from others you have done this to. I rest my case.
serious questions for every serious believer in jehovah (or god).. .
i hope they will be helpful to jehovah's witnesses on this board, as well as to all who believe in god.
i think i have phrased the questions fairly, without emotionalism, and have not distorted the meaning of the bible stories (comments?)..
Philo, the answer to all is NO. Because I would never serve an egomaniacal serial killer as is the God described in the Bible which you're referring to. If I'm going to make any type of sacrifice at all for a god, he/she had better be one that I can have respect for, and the god of your bible isn't IT.
a couple of people have claimed i am co-dependent ..... a few years back i had to go through this list and do the following: .
codependents frequently:.
codependents frequently:.
Although I don't have as much formal training as Tina, I do have enough of it to say that I would have to agree with Tina that you are definitely controlling and manipulative, Jan. The lengths I have seen you go to in order to sidestep your culpability in the issue of your email list just proves my point. A person in need of help never sees themselves as such. I wouldn't classify us as "sharks". I would classify us as women who are courageous enough to stand up to a bully, publicly. A passive/agressive bully, to be sure, but a bully still nonetheless.
the following quote is one taken from h20 after you claimed on this forum that you weren't posting your "compassion" post in order to incite guilt feelings within this forum:.
i agree that if they feel that something is wrong with rick then they are certainly shooting the wounded - but that is typical cult behaviour - they learnt this as jw's .... they just haven't learnt the compassion they so much desired to see within the organization themselves yet.
in the original post you put "shooting the wounded" in bold letters, effectively showing that you posted that diatribe in order to make people who were denouncing rick and his methods of moderating his forum.
Finds themselves getting emails from you, huh? By ACCIDENT, of course.
No, a thank you for a good post is NOT a consent form, Jan. A consent form is asking you to sign them up for your list. IT DIDN"T HAPPEN. And when a person has to write you THREE TIMES to be taken off the list, then PUBLICLY announce it before any action is taken, there's definitely not consent there.
I'm done. I truly tried to keep my respect for you, Jan. It's a shame that I've lost that respect. But truly, it was your own doing. Admitting a wrong has been done is SOOOO much better than side-stepping, denying, and beating around the bush. And the ultimate wrong is trying to make others take the blame for your own actions. Truly a pity, Jan.
as a sit writing this i will say that i am possibly going through one of the toughest times of my life right now.
i have recently told the elders of my congregation that i have identified myself as "queer" and it has been one of the toughest roads i have ever had to walk.
i am not trying to offend anyone on the boards by telling you this but i feel that it's important to live honestly and my decission to "come out" to people in the congregation is one based on trying to live honestly.
Preston, an email is on it's way to you.
the following quote is one taken from h20 after you claimed on this forum that you weren't posting your "compassion" post in order to incite guilt feelings within this forum:.
i agree that if they feel that something is wrong with rick then they are certainly shooting the wounded - but that is typical cult behaviour - they learnt this as jw's .... they just haven't learnt the compassion they so much desired to see within the organization themselves yet.
in the original post you put "shooting the wounded" in bold letters, effectively showing that you posted that diatribe in order to make people who were denouncing rick and his methods of moderating his forum.
So, what you're essentially saying, Jan,in both threads, is that you don't feel signing people up to your email list without their permission is Wrong and that it's the people's responsibility to ask to be taken off AFTER you sigh them up without permission.
Do you realize that it's against the rules of every email group/list site on the web? I tell ya, it's time to put my hip waders on. The poop's getting deep in here! And Yes, Comf, I'll drop it now. It's obvious this woman has some SERIOUS denial problems.