ROFL! Is that the best you can do? They were right over on larc's thread. Your IQ is the size of a gnat's. lol
Rock on, Fred
this is the title of an article in the sept 1, 2000 watchtower, which a jw brought to my door this morning.
my husband answered, and it was very apparent that the woman was brand new to door-to-door work, and her companion was encouraging her.
it was saturday "push the mags" day, and so hubby asked if she had any technical mags... he loves to play with them when they come to the door.
ROFL! Is that the best you can do? They were right over on larc's thread. Your IQ is the size of a gnat's. lol
Rock on, Fred
i have read many accounts of human tragedy on this board.
i have also read the recovery that people have experienced once they got out from under the oppressive and destructive world that was the watchtower.
i find it amazing that when people receive a modicum of a healthy environment how they are able to heal, sometimes quickly and sometimes more slowly, but the progress is there.
Nice comments, larc. True, very true.
this is the title of an article in the sept 1, 2000 watchtower, which a jw brought to my door this morning.
my husband answered, and it was very apparent that the woman was brand new to door-to-door work, and her companion was encouraging her.
it was saturday "push the mags" day, and so hubby asked if she had any technical mags... he loves to play with them when they come to the door.
Oh, so You're the one the brothers always had to clean up the puddles after in the Kingdom Hall floor, Fred. They finally had to start keeping you a supply of clean pants at the hall. Tsk tsk tsk...
this is the title of an article in the sept 1, 2000 watchtower, which a jw brought to my door this morning.
my husband answered, and it was very apparent that the woman was brand new to door-to-door work, and her companion was encouraging her.
it was saturday "push the mags" day, and so hubby asked if she had any technical mags... he loves to play with them when they come to the door.
This is the title of an article in the Sept 1, 2000 Watchtower, which a JW brought to my door this morning. My husband answered, and it was very apparent that the woman was brand new to door-to-door work, and her companion was encouraging her. It was Saturday "push the mags" day, and so hubby asked if she had any Technical mags... he loves to play with them when they come to the door. The woman got so flustered, she pulled just about every mag out of her book bag, dropped them twice, and was shaking like a leaf! All the while, hubby was grinning and playing with her head. I finally took pity on the poor dub and took her mags just to get a couple of things to rip apart. I threw the Afake's in the rubbish, and looked over the two Wackytower's. Guess the dubs who are still left are chomping at the bit for their "paradise" Do they know how to wait?
Hell yes! 122 years worth of waiting! I'm just 'waiting' for them to make their return visit. Then it's MY turn for fun!
i just wanted you to have an update.
justin's mom is out.
of icu and doing remarkably well.
Glad to hear the positive news. Hope everything keeps getting better!
over the years, circuit servants and then circuit overseers came and went.
i can only recall a handfull because the rest were unimpressive or i was not real active during the visit of some.
most cos that i recall were humdrum with perhaps some single interesting feature or personality quirk.
Thanks for posting this, Amazing. I always enjoy reading whatever you post.
..................caroll o'connor.................... all in the family.
archie: now, no predjudice intended, but i always check with the bible on these here things.
i think that, i mean if god had meant for us to be together he'd have put us together.
I loved that show. It brings back alot of memories. Thanks, Maximus.
thread, and i just didn't want anyone to miss it and taking the liberty of positioning it here.
a warm welcome, wolfy.
we know where you are, and where you've been in jwdom.
Welcome to the board, Wolfy! Thanks for telling your story. I just know it will help someone else who will be struggling with the same situation. I know it happened to me, too. That 1969 article which was posted earlier was the one used on me to keep me out of going to college. It caused alot of hardships in my life, believe me!
by popular demand, i am yielding to pressure, to tell a story about our very own veniceit.. in march, venice and her parents were visiting us here in washington state, and we all had dinner at our daughter's home one evening.
(my daughter posts here as princess) princess's son, 4 years old, was quite taken with venice and was showing her around the house.
he was going up the stairs ahead of her, and turned around, face first at her rather, ummm, er, ample?
Thanks, Mulan. Everyone needs a good laugh per day. This was mine.
to this forum at least.
i noticed a couple others posting newbie threads so i thought i'd jump on the band wagon.. i don't have a great story or tale for you all, i just walked away.
don't know what the elders told the rest of the herd.
Hey godlike and Hojon, it's about time you meandered over here.
Glad to see ya!I hope you'll stick around and have fun!