It is commonly used as "more stupid", Six. Stupider, even though granted, is a word, just sounds... well...STUPID.
Now, to comment on your copyright post:
1) the purpose and character of the use. Seems to be parody, ( with a bit of education and comment and critisism thrown in. Not to mention parody and comment in a discussion forum wherein the pic is linked by the complainer itself. Huge fair use points to Alan.
I don't agree. Criticism in this sense is meant as "Critiqueing the work itself" and that is not what the work was being used for.
Granted, very few judges, if any, would grant damages to Suzy for Alan using her picture in a discussion forum. It all comes down to common sense. But the picture itself, IS PROTECTED by the Copyright law. And that's what Suzy told Alan, and Suzy was right. Now whether she could get a court of law to make it stick IN THIS INSTANCE OF USE, that's another story altogether.
2) The nature of the work. no comment )the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. Now you see why I was laughing out loud?
I still don't agree with your logic. You're just basically making fun of Suzy's work here. Low blow, Six. I didn't think her work itself was bad, and she DOES have a copyright on it. I think personally that it should be respected, to a certain extent. She WAS polite about it, although granted she is less than polite in her wording of things most of the time.
Let me make this clear: I'm not defending Suzy's usual behavior. I'm defending her right to request that her work not be used without her permission. And even though Alan changed her work (and it was damned funny how he changed it, too!) I agree that he SHOULD have changed it out of respect for her request. And he did so, rather nicely, I think.