Venice, I believe Tishie did alot of research in that manner. Have you checked with her?
i would really appreiate it if anyone knows of a blow by blow comparison that has been done with the new world translation, and the interliner!!!.
do you have any documents, websites whatever.
thank you sooo much.. ven.
Venice, I believe Tishie did alot of research in that manner. Have you checked with her?
i'm here to confess.
i've been lurking for some time now.
i have allot of mixed feelings mostly feelings of loss.
Pay no attention to the troll above, Noidea. Welcome to the DB! You're headed in the direction of life. Real life, outside a manmade pharaisical org who places themselves in a very idolatrous position.
Glad you're here!
with the news that the killers of jamie bulger have been released, it would be interesting to know how people feel.. from the mcveigh thread it seems that many americans believe the death penalty would have been appropriate.. i do not know whether many in the us know of the case in britain of a 2 year old being tortured and murdered by two 10 year olds.
but now 8 years later they have been released.. i know of the arguments that they have been rehabilitated since killing jamie bulger.....but is this really justice?
This is a quote from Tina in another thread, but I thought it said alot of how I feel about things Abaddon has said in this thread:
[QUOTE] This is not a question of fuck em all and who cares.{RCat's thoughts: Or, fuck off if you don't agree with me}To think like that is almost anti-social.
This is about communicating and realistic preferences.
We each have our own unique way of looking at the world. And many times it isn't in harmony with the status quo.
It's about it being perfectly OK to feel,believe and exist differently.
And having the courage to live and think differntly.
How would your life be if you tried to live it by others standards and approval? Not a nice thought there. You will give up a lot of personal autonomy by people pleasing and seeking their approval.
When I see opinions stated here that essentially say you SHOULD think my way,you SHOULD behave the way I want you too, you SHOULD allow me to continually say that your thoughts and communicating SHOULD be by standards that I say are 'right'....well,I have the right to say that is unrealistic and controlling.
It's also NOT about being condescended/patronized to(i.e. the snide 'smooches' tj puts in his post){RCat's comments: "Sweetie" or fool, or idiot, being said} as a way of dismissing and minimizing my thoughts.
Differences can be resolved by free open discussion . Going thru the board with these 'shoulds' essentially ignores and denies the uniquesness and diversity of this complex nature we call 'human'.
When we stop expending so much energy on being 'so right'......take a step back and look objectively and rationally at situations.
We will begin to understand and stop attempting to enforce our 'shoulds' on others.
{RCat's addition: Abaddon, I didn't say that you or anyone else had to agree with me. Likewise, I don't have to agree with you. So stop the bullying tactics. }
i recieved a voicemail from my bookstudy conductor last night.
he wants me to agree to a shepherding call.
i do not want to meet with them.. my question is if i do not agree to have this meeting with them, are they going to force me into a judicial hearing for not following the direction of the elders?.
Spy vs Spy... I had almost forgotten that.. good one, Waiting!
i have it from solid sources that brooklyn and patterson are now recording all incoming telephone calls.. a word to the wise if you have friends there you talk to.. alanf
Paranoia anonymous, huh? It must be getting bad up there, Alan. That tells me the Ex's must be making some significant inroads. Keep at 'em!
with the news that the killers of jamie bulger have been released, it would be interesting to know how people feel.. from the mcveigh thread it seems that many americans believe the death penalty would have been appropriate.. i do not know whether many in the us know of the case in britain of a 2 year old being tortured and murdered by two 10 year olds.
but now 8 years later they have been released.. i know of the arguments that they have been rehabilitated since killing jamie bulger.....but is this really justice?
No sweetie, you don't have to justify your opinion, which is just as well, all things considered, but you do have a right to your opinion.Like those boys, under law, have a right to be released.
Right to be released, but not EARLY. I am of the opinion that they should serve the FULL SENTENCE. I don't care WHAT hoops the British have to jump through to keep them incarcerated. Their sentence should be served, Sweetie.
Okay, fine, blatently misrepresent what I said about the mother.
Yep, Abaddon, I misquoted you. You said she wasn't learning to "live with it". Well, pardon HER, Mr Judgemental, why don't you walk a mile in her shoes before presuming to use your psychobabble to diagnose her, huh? As I said before, you're a man of many words who doesn't really say much. So before you use that CrackerJack Box diploma to diagnose, go get your doctorate in psychology, k?
You refuse to justify your opinion. This implies you consider it incontravertably right.
I owe you NO justification for my opinions, Abaddon, and neither does anyone else. If you want to spew just to hear your head rattle all day long, feel free. No one asked or demanded that you do so. I gave my opinion, and as far as I'm concerned, opinions need no justification. They stand on their own. You could have given yours without giving the reasons, and I wouldn't have spewed that you owe me an explanation of why you feel the way you do. I presume you have your reasons, and I, for one, don't feel the need to know them. You, on the other hand, feel the need to pose and pontificate and spew all your prose, so you feel justified in voicing your opinion. If you're so insecure, feel free. I just don't feel the need to do the same.
You might not have to justify yourself, but it might stop you looking like a fool if you did, as without justification you seem easily lead by the press, and with little insight into the case.
I care not that you think I'm a fool, Abaddon. I'm certain there are just as many who feel that YOU are one also.
You don't know me and your baseless judgements of me are meaningless
I actually admitted that, if it happened to my kith or kin, I would want my vengence.
That was my point, in telling you that if you think they should be let out, let 'em move in next door and do to your family what they did to Jamie Bulger. And you KNEW that was my point, you just chose to turn it into something else for your own advantage and then question my grip on reality! Get a grip yourself, Abaddon. And while you're at it, you might try an anger management course or two.
If it can be (and the evidence presented to the parole board would seem to be conclusive), and the tragedy was not fully their fault any way, then I do not think that justice could be served by locking them up.
There are plenty of cases where parole boards have screwed up and released prisoners who went on to commit other murders. You CLAIMED in a previous post that this is not so. Balderdash. And here you go, with that bleeding heart liberal idea that criminals are not fully at fault for what they do. BUNK.
Again I point out no-one seems bothered by Bulgers' mother psychosis. She needs help, quick, as if you have read any of her statements, the poor woman's mind has been affected. A mentally disturbed woman's sense of justice is no basis for a legal system.
And when did you suddenly become Dr. Abaddon? Is this your learned diagnosis based on your psychology diploma, also based on statements in those same "rags" you said the rest of us were getting our "erroneous, sensationalized" information from? Hypocrite.
Face it, Abaddon, we do not and will not agree on this subject, and no amount of your bullying tactics will change my mind. And that is my right. I did not call you a fool, and resort to name calling. I simply stated that I have a right to my opinion without justifying it to YOU. And I stand by that.
Edited for typos...
there is much discussion of the "dumbness" of those still in and the reason that they stay.. some of the reasons that i have seen are:.
they want everything in black and white.. they prefer to leave thinking to others.. they are scared to be shunned.. they are just ignorant souls who are on the "opium of the people".
they dont want others to think bad of them.. while i agree that there is no one single reason and that everyone is different, i feel that the real reason is a much deeper one.
BugEye, HadEnough, Frenchy (nice to see ya, Frenchy!) you all hit the nail square on the head, I believe. I know that was a big reason I was in there, and the loss of that dream was the hardest to face when I came out. That's why I'm not usually nasty to the new ones coming out, or fighting to keep their "dream". It's an understandable state of being, and it takes time to come out of the fog the WTBTS creates around your head.
with the news that the killers of jamie bulger have been released, it would be interesting to know how people feel.. from the mcveigh thread it seems that many americans believe the death penalty would have been appropriate.. i do not know whether many in the us know of the case in britain of a 2 year old being tortured and murdered by two 10 year olds.
but now 8 years later they have been released.. i know of the arguments that they have been rehabilitated since killing jamie bulger.....but is this really justice?
RCat, you are a petty, stupid, ignorant woman. Do you have any friends? If you do, they must be just like you cos im sure no real people would want to know evil like you.
My friends (of which there are many, thank you) would heartily disagree with you. I don't agree with Abaddon, I told him so up front, I don't have to JUSTIFY my opinion, and I have a right to state it.
What's the matter, Logical? You can't take hearing in black and white what happened to that boy? Too much to stomach? Well, think how his mother feels. And here's Abaddon spewing and spitting because she hasn't "moved on". Who the hell is he to judge? He just likes to spew his opinion as if it's fact all over the place, and bulldoze everyone down who doesn't agree. He's always been that way since I've known him, and I don't think he'll change in the forseeable future.
But that doesn't mean that I have to agree with him or justify why I don't. And I won't. Like I said, if he want to prove his point that the boys who did such things to a toddler deserve to be free, let him put them next door to him, and put his own kids' life on the line. It's a great way to test your WORDS.
Well, you know something Suzi? I think you should be as welcome here as any of the rest of us. No, you're not perfect, and yes, you can and do think differently at times than the majority. But is that bad?
DEFINITELY NOT. It's just different.
So, in closing, I hope you don't go away, but stay and add some diversity.
hi sue and alternative: first, thank you sue for responding to my post.
i have a much better understanding.
likewise alternative, i enjoyed your responses to alanf.
Hi (((((((((godlike))))))))))),
Fred's the resident troll under the bridge. He likes to chirp in one-liners once in awhile, just to make sure we notice him. He doesn't debate or discuss issues, he just chirps. Just don't feed him.