It was the October '95 issue of the Watchtower. Not sure which of the two that month that it was and all my old literature is back in the USA. But it gave the info of the change in the Generation understanding.
i was over on the thread about the blood policy and got to thinking how easy it is to just accept a change and after awhile people even forget all about how important it was at one time.
if the society does change the blood policy how long will it be before it is just accepted, and brothers and siters don't even recall the previous stance on the issue?.
this got me thinking about the change in the 1914 generation.
It was the October '95 issue of the Watchtower. Not sure which of the two that month that it was and all my old literature is back in the USA. But it gave the info of the change in the Generation understanding.
ok, since it was so easy to get on here i'm assuming that this place is also over run by wts critics...but anyway!.
i've read a plenty of wt mags and got sucked in enough by the whole thing to go to a few meetings and do a bible study( which i wouldn't really call a study, since we just read one of their books).i soon broke of the whole thing and didn't even read another mag for about 6 years...6 months ago i wandered into h20 out of curiosity and ended up reading up on the arguments against the wts.. i have a simple question, and its probably very naive to ask this...but why is wts so afraid of debate?...there are plenty of sites arguing against the wts...but none for, apart the official site which doesn't address the issues raised by so called "apostates" anyway.. if the wt has the the truth why dont they just refute the the arguments against them instead of shutting up shop and labelling anyone who questions them an "apostate?
" or from satan or something.. i'm really beginning to think that all this wt business is just waste of time, that if i were to go to kh and ask questions that i have, i'm more likely to be labelled a trouble making agent of satan rather than be taken at face value as someone with serious questions.
The effects upon my discovering a little more about the faithful and discreet slave have lend me to a crossroads. It has instilled in me "" Who am I to trust?
Maxee, I can empathize. It affected me the same way when I first found out about all the lies. I was devastated as I truly believed it was the "truth".
Yeah, Simon, but we didn't get a picture!
this link has a scan of a printed by the society brochure planned giving to benefit the kingdom.
the faithful and discreet slave has a fund to enable us to contribute stocks and saving to the kingdom preaching work whilst both we and them enjoytaxation benefits.or if we want to bequest our properties etc to the preaching work via this fund.
we can get it out before hand if we want too.
Sorry Maxee, but tried everything and can't get the link to work. I even tried a search of their pages and didn't find it.
i'm curious about the reasons for becoming a jw.
if you were raised a jw, were you pressured into baptism?
if you weren't raised a jw, what were the deciding factors?
I know you and I've heard your story before. As it did when I first heard it, my heart aches for you. I hope your dear niece learns from your experience.
Big hugs,
i know that there is a variety of posters here from different places.
i have seen some from canada, the u.s., and australia, and england.
so i wanted to ask about the "donation" arrangement for literature.. somebody in another thread mentioned the "double" payment thing.
RHW, ROFLMAOPMP!!!!! You tell 'em!
i was over on the thread about the blood policy and got to thinking how easy it is to just accept a change and after awhile people even forget all about how important it was at one time.
if the society does change the blood policy how long will it be before it is just accepted, and brothers and siters don't even recall the previous stance on the issue?.
this got me thinking about the change in the 1914 generation.
Wow.. I've been here a total of what.. a week? And I'm seeing alot of thinking going on here in this forum, alot of minds opening to what information is out there. It's good to see that people are learning to think for themselves again, including myself!
I am dealing with a Brother right now who is just WANTING to remain blind even though he sees so much of this. He's on the internet, and he's read Crisis of conscience, but to him, the Org is his lifeline. If he leaves it, he's depraved and as good as dead in his own eyes. It's such a shame! This is a 46 year old man and he can't handle knowing that the Society is wrong and has lied and connived all these years. He doesn't make the connection that if the Society is wrong and is lying, then the entire RELIGION is a lie and not the "Truth" according to God's word. Amazing. He insists that this is Jehovah's organization, and that just the MEN running it are wrong or mistaken in their actions. Total denial!
i'm curious about the reasons for becoming a jw.
if you were raised a jw, were you pressured into baptism?
if you weren't raised a jw, what were the deciding factors?
I was looking for answers and I was looking for a new family and I was looking for security and I was afraid of Hell. I thought I had found the Truth. Oh, well. Back to the drawing board.
Same basic reasons for me. I was 13 years old, I'd just lost my Grandma to death, my mother started studying and got us involved. Then she went back to work nights and I was left on my own all the time. I was lonely and wanted a "family" to belong to. So I swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. My Mom never finished being indoctrinated, but after a few false starts, I finally was baptized when I was 31, raised three kids in, and then woke up and saw the light when I was 40. It was a long difficult sleep and alot of nightmares!
Edited by - Roamingfeline on 14 June 2000 22:24:35
hey, how come no singles in here?
suppose we open up a bar in here?
would you come to a singles bar?
Wishful thinking for what?
RCat chants: "Take it off, take it off, take it all... No! Please.. put it back on..... sorry I asked.. "
heh heh...