Hi Nelly! Nice to see you here. :-)
hi every one i have started a new job so my time is limited on the net.
(broken relationship property settlement he took everthing including computors) .
is any one interested in being my email friend.
Hi Nelly! Nice to see you here. :-)
i would like to open this discussion on israel, because i have come to learn many things about it.
the bible scriptures continue to prophecy about the nation of israel.
we all know that the natural nation has been disowned by jehovah, because unfaithfulness.
About three years ago, I read a web page touting this so-called "REPORT".. It was simply an infomercial to get you to buy it through snail mail. I wasn't interested. Most anything you want to know against the Org you can find out from the former Bethel members and former Overseers among us, and they don't SELL the information!
the international library of poetry will award 250 prizes totaling $58,000.00 to amateur poets in the coming months.
anyone can enter the competition simply by submitting only one original poem, 20 lines or less, any subject, any style.
all poets who enter will receive a response concerning their artistry within seven weeks.
I honestly don't know.. I haven't even read the page yet. Found that link when I was grabbing some Crochet patterns, and thought you all might like it!
the international library of poetry will award 250 prizes totaling $58,000.00 to amateur poets in the coming months.
anyone can enter the competition simply by submitting only one original poem, 20 lines or less, any subject, any style.
all poets who enter will receive a response concerning their artistry within seven weeks.
Shoot.. my html didn't work.. I'll go get that link and brb.. LOL
the international library of poetry will award 250 prizes totaling $58,000.00 to amateur poets in the coming months.
anyone can enter the competition simply by submitting only one original poem, 20 lines or less, any subject, any style.
all poets who enter will receive a response concerning their artistry within seven weeks.
The International Library of Poetry will award 250 prizes totaling $58,000.00 to amateur poets in the coming months. Anyone can enter the competition simply by submitting ONLY ONE original poem, 20 lines or less, any subject, any style. All poets who enter will receive a response concerning their artistry within seven weeks. Obviously, the normal HTML tricks don't work here.. so here's the URL if anyone wants to get there.. LOL
Edited by - Roamingfeline on 5 September 2000 23:28:56
Edited by - Roamingfeline on 5 September 2000 23:30:17
i don't think i ever posted this one but if i did then i apolgize for doing it again.
i am of the belief that we never truly get to know one another and that even husbands and wives know perhaps only a small percentage of each other.
the reasons for this are manifold.
Wunnerful, wunnerful. Thanks, Frenchy!
please, everyone save a copy of this lengthy post as we anticipate removing it within 48 hours.
we feel compelled to address the forum as a whole to make you aware of a new web surveillance law passed recently here in the uk.
here is the web link: .
My goodness.. I didn't even get an honorable mention!!!! I'm crushed. :-(
Sysadmin, whoever you are..take a valium and GET OVER IT.
Hugs to the rest of the forum,
one thing that really doesn't add up with the organization and their registrating to be a corp.(yes i have to put this in quote sorry it's called non-profit corp.) is the very fact that they play in the worldly system of things while they tell you to keep out of it.
(while they see nothing wrong in themselves playing the stock market with other peoples money) think about it where did jesus say to register god's organization as a corporation?.
furthermore if you were living in jesus' period of time who would be the president-vice-president-secratary- treasurer-shareholders...?.
We are like the betrayed spouse who finally is shown the snapshots and videos of their "faithful" mate who has been engaging in adulterous affairs for years. They said they were faithful, and we believed them.
And how does that betrayed spouse usually react, ask yourself? Disbelief, Anger & rage, hurt, pain, and finally acceptance and "going on with life". The same as in ALL grief experiences. Allow us to express ours in the way we see fit, please.
to high school juniors and seniors, pay attention.
to the registration deadlines for you sat and act's.
the first sat will be given on oct. 14, 2000. deadine is sept. 12th.
Thanks, Seven! My daughter is a Senior this year in the US. I sent that to her by email. I appreciate it!
one thing that really doesn't add up with the organization and their registrating to be a corp.(yes i have to put this in quote sorry it's called non-profit corp.) is the very fact that they play in the worldly system of things while they tell you to keep out of it.
(while they see nothing wrong in themselves playing the stock market with other peoples money) think about it where did jesus say to register god's organization as a corporation?.
furthermore if you were living in jesus' period of time who would be the president-vice-president-secratary- treasurer-shareholders...?.
Circare,Frenchy, and RedHorseWoman:
You all have good points in those last three posts. For myself, I believe you CAN get on with your life, learning from the past, while STILL, as RHW says, exposing the dirty underbelly of the WTBTS.
Remember one of the things they used to tell us, that if you didn't warn others about the impending doom of Armageddon, that you would be liable for death yourself from bloodguilt? Well, I tend to think it's a bit like that now. If I don't warn others about the evilness of the WTBTS, I feel guilty for allowing others to fall into that rotting carcass of a pit!