Enjoy your vacation, Frenchy!
well, i'm off on vacation, should be back week of the 24th.
hope to see everyone doing well when i get back.... -seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-
Enjoy your vacation, Frenchy!
or, for that matter, any of the others we haven't seen for awhile....sc, dubby, othgrandma, maxee?.
seven usually posts at least once each day.....where are you seven?
Was wondering that myself.. Seven... where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..... ?
i am doing peachy..getting ready for winter and snow **yes** cant wait to take the snowmobiles out and head up to the mountains and let er rip!!!.
dubby ride a sled the landing is softer..btw how is the ankle?
and why dont you answere my email?
What Petrol shortage? I know it's high priced right now.. but it went down by 10cents per litre this week, and no word of a shortage! What's that British Gov't doing to their people this time?
i am doing peachy..getting ready for winter and snow **yes** cant wait to take the snowmobiles out and head up to the mountains and let er rip!!!.
dubby ride a sled the landing is softer..btw how is the ankle?
and why dont you answere my email?
yup, Waiting, your weather sounds alot like ours here in Perth. Winter is just another word for early fall/spring in the States! Hey, if you want to go to North Carolina to see the leaves change, there's NOTHING in this world like driving the Blue Ridge Parkway. I used to live in Asheville when I was 17, and I loved that place more than any other place I have lived since.
i am doing peachy..getting ready for winter and snow **yes** cant wait to take the snowmobiles out and head up to the mountains and let er rip!!!.
dubby ride a sled the landing is softer..btw how is the ankle?
and why dont you answere my email?
Honey, MY nips would scare em even with TWO vests on.....
Edited by - Roamingfeline on 11 September 2000 18:1:1
i am doing peachy..getting ready for winter and snow **yes** cant wait to take the snowmobiles out and head up to the mountains and let er rip!!!.
dubby ride a sled the landing is softer..btw how is the ankle?
and why dont you answere my email?
Hey there, Jokem' !
Doing fine here.. been cruising Crochet sites for two days..
I'm getting ready for Spring! Today is the first really warm day we've had here in awhile. 80 degrees farenheit for you Americans. 26 degrees Celsius here. The sun feels marvelous. Katie and I went for a nice long walk. She took her dolly stroller and dolly along. She was so proud to be walking "her baby". LOL
stop making sense .
just trying to make some sense of it all.
and wondering if anything makes sense at all.. used to think i had it all figured out,.
Me too! Thanks for sharing it with us!
hi every one i have started a new job so my time is limited on the net.
(broken relationship property settlement he took everthing including computors) .
is any one interested in being my email friend.
I thought a muzzle would be more appropriate.
(just kidding, Waiting)
one thing that really doesn't add up with the organization and their registrating to be a corp.(yes i have to put this in quote sorry it's called non-profit corp.) is the very fact that they play in the worldly system of things while they tell you to keep out of it.
(while they see nothing wrong in themselves playing the stock market with other peoples money) think about it where did jesus say to register god's organization as a corporation?.
furthermore if you were living in jesus' period of time who would be the president-vice-president-secratary- treasurer-shareholders...?.
Kind of off the subject, but not really, I just wanted to say, have you ever seen the pics from the Assembly Hall in New Jersey where the Bethelites go for their special assemblies and such? It was an old theatre, I believe it was the Stanley theatre if memory serves me correct.
They remodeled and restored it to it's "former glory". That place would rival anything the Catholic church has to offer for ostentatiosness!
So Circare, believe me, it's not all Spartan living up there in Brooklyn. Only the underlings have to live that way. I'm sure the GB have all kinds of comforts!
i would like to open this discussion on israel, because i have come to learn many things about it.
the bible scriptures continue to prophecy about the nation of israel.
we all know that the natural nation has been disowned by jehovah, because unfaithfulness.
That's right Zep, NONE of the books 'tfs' mentioned are free, BUT, the big difference is that they don't hide behind secrecy. These men are right up front about what they're selling and what information they are offering. My earlier post was referring to the ex-bethelites and ex-elders we have on so many forums, who tell you what they know of the shady dealings of the WTBTS. One on one conversations.. not books.
Edited by - Roamingfeline on 7 September 2000 11:23:19