To Deacon:
Big hugs to you. I see your pain, and I know from where it comes. Many of us have been there, and we know how it felt to be in that position. Time, Deacon, will help you to heal.
To Comf:
Sir, you have voiced EXACTLY how I felt when I left, and what it felt like to lose "paradise" and finally accept the adult life that I should have been heading toward in my teens when I went into that stinking religion. I thank you for putting a voice to the feelings and emotions that go with the ride.
To all: We all go through a grief process when leaving the Organization. It's posts like the one by Deacon which serve to remind us that we're all human, we have feelings, and some are on different spots in the road than others, and sometimes need a helping hand, or encouragement to put one foot in front of the other and go on. This is a wonderful thread for reminding us of why we're on these boards, to go further in our healing and to help others to get to where we are now and beyond.
Thanks everyone,