Run! Run for you very life! The OTHER way, Lara. Not TOWARD the Kingdom Hall.
Running into the Kingdom Hall will only cause you to lose your thinking abilities and love for humanity!
i made a big mistake when signing up at this supposed website for jehovah's witnesses.
after reading some things on this site it has become apparent to me that this site is nothing put another pathetic site for apostates: people who betrayed jehovah, left the truth, and are so bitter about their experiene in the truth, and they are angry just like satan because they know they will very soon be dead at jehovah's hand!.
this website should be renamed something more fitting like "satan's playground" or a similar name that would get across the message of your site.. sincerely,.
Run! Run for you very life! The OTHER way, Lara. Not TOWARD the Kingdom Hall.
Running into the Kingdom Hall will only cause you to lose your thinking abilities and love for humanity!
if you don't want to read the small text, i've made an identical webpage.
to the print appearing below @.
I admire you no end. YOu are courageous, you took action when there was no other action left to take 'cept to give your own life. I don't think you should have to feel guilty at all, or give up your life so another can feel powerful in their insanity. It was self-defense, and you should try to find a way to forgive yourself.
We're here for you, and we care.
oh, man!
i just had to bring this one to everyones attention.. i pressume that this is rick going off.. .
bronze member .
It is apparent that you have no answers to the very real points I made in my post to you. Granted, I judged your stability, based on your wild, verbose posting in your own forum. But you STILL did not address the problem that I brought to you, that of removing posts in a forum then answering them publicly when the public cannot see the original post! It's easy to kiss up to Prisca because she defended you, but answer the points I made in my post, regarding the posting at H20.
You also did not discuss the red herring you threw regarding the organization being reformable, which I pointed out twice to you. You are going around the points made in the postings, and skirting the issues entirely! Which just makes the points I made about your stability that much more valid! Answer the stated problems, Rick. Stop trying to call attention away from the main problems that I brought forth to you.
this is my first time posting anywhere.
thought i would say hi and i am enjoying reading everyone's comments and stories.. "plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
" -veronica a. shoffstall
Hi, Mojojojo, and welcome to the group! This is a great forum, with good people who can discuss your concerns. Feel free to ask questions, and get to know everyone.
For a certainty, Friday, it would be highly preferable than kissing YOURS!
oh, man!
i just had to bring this one to everyones attention.. i pressume that this is rick going off.. .
bronze member .
I realize you can be very verbose, obviously. But let's cut to the chase. You said I was "out to lunch". You insulted me Rick, without having my original post there for others to judge for themselves. When it comes down to the point of it all, THAT'S DIRTY POOL. I didn't come over to your forum specifically to cause trouble or insult you. I was posting to something YOU posted on a PUBLIC MESSAGE BOARD. Whether removed by choice or by accident, the result is the same. You shouldn't have answered publicly what was no longer posted publicly. I highly question your judgement, Rick.
I have not even brought up the issue of the organization or how I feel about it. Why do you keep bringing that into our argument? You're trying your best to throw that red herring in there, but it just won't work. Address the issues, stop changing them around.
oh, man!
i just had to bring this one to everyones attention.. i pressume that this is rick going off.. .
bronze member .
That's isn't the case on the new board now which is why the FPP has been removed.Moderation on H2O will be the same as it is here ..... helping people learn how to use the boards
Give them the credit due that they have changed and will conditnue to change
Bunk.. pure bunk, Jan. And what happened to my first post over there proves it. NO BOARD OWNER should remove a post, then reply to the post on the main board, "Quoting" the post, without the original post being there for all to see. It's plain bad management, and nothing has changed.
That was my first post to H20 in a long, long time.I wanted to test your words, and the result was not pretty. I will not post there again, nor do I encourage others to post there, as I do believe the owner needs some psychological help. He's not unbiased and emotionally stable enough to run a forum, that's for certain!
Edited for typos..
rick the administrator of h20 posted a sad commentary yesterday, and i followed-up with a link to it here.
he and others have wondered why his board is a non-entity these days, yet he cannot see the trees for the forest.
well, that post of his has disappeared.
IMHO, it is the utmost bad board behavior to remove a post and put it where only mods can read it, then the forum owner POSTS AN ANSWER TO IT ON THE MAIN BOARD AFTER IT HAS BEEN REMOVED where noone else can read what it said. Bad form!
I have answered Ricks delusional post accordingly. I hope he gets some help. He sorely needs it.
i was very close friends with brother "kind" who was a jw for over 30 years.
kind did not know this file existed.. one evening, bro.
the po was on the committee, and bro.
Thanks, Amazing. I, too, am enjoying your Justice series, as well as your other posts.
rick the administrator of h20 posted a sad commentary yesterday, and i followed-up with a link to it here.
he and others have wondered why his board is a non-entity these days, yet he cannot see the trees for the forest.
well, that post of his has disappeared.
I didn't attack Rick, I posted a valid point, which Mod5 acknowledged. Rick shot himself in the foot by posting that tripe, we didn't shoot him! Even Mod5 removed the post because of RICK'S POST, not mine. He told me so!
As far as the young lass goes, please send her to the "Motherless" list over on Yahoogroups. It will no doubt help her out, and there are ex JW's there who can also help her in a very kind manner. The owner is herself one, and you won't find anyone nicer on the net.