Bringing this back to the top. Thanks for posting the info!
the multinational printing empire and con operation in brooklyn better known as the watchtower society is in a desperate struggle to appear mainstream and normal to the general public all over the world.
after over 100 years of publishing the most insane drivel and countless failed predictions this is of course an uphill struggle.. what makes it even harder is that they merely want to foster the illusion that the watchtower society is mainstream.
they have no wish for it to actually be mainstream.
this is a question my df mother would like me to post for her:.
would it be morally right to go back to the jws, even though she doesn't feel it is god's org?
she would do this in order to speak with her life long friends and her youngest daughter, all of whom are quite emotionally distraught due to her dfing.
If you are able to harden your resolve enough to, as sevenof9 and a few others mentioned, KEEP YOUR OWN GOAL FIRMLY IN VIEW, don't worry about lying to a few men. (They lie daily, every time out in field service, every time speaking from the platform when they teach as truths extra-Biblical doctrines.) They play their games, you have a right to play yours AND to succeed at playing their game better than them!
Hey, OutnFree,
Good advice. When I said, "Be true to yourself", I didn't necessarily mean stay out of the Org and don't go back. I, too, see nothing wrong with lying to those idiot elders to get back in and see the grandkids/kids/friends and then making her way to inactive status. I love beating those creeps at their own game. I did the same when I was disfellowshipped. Scraped and crawled enough to get back in, then did the disappearing act. Of course, now I couldn't care less what they think I'm doing, I don't ever play by their rules and never will again! Anyway, I certainly don't blame someone else if they go back to do things their own way.
if you want to try some aussie beer for free, go to this site and they will crate out 2 bottles of australian beer anywhere in the world!.
the things you find when you're surfing the net!!
Foster's isn't beer, it's horse-pee. Now, if they'll offer some Hahn's Ice beer, I'll be glad to accept!
a bit of light relief.... .
how did you find this site?
recommendation from someone?
RedHorseWoman, bless her, told me about Simon's last year when it was just a young DB. It was really peaceful, with lots of intelligent, insightful, respectful, and thoughtful discussions. So I joined up, and have been here on and off ever since.
I've enjoyed meeting new people, and the great information that's posted here, regarding the JW org. and the issues encountered by those leaving it or trying to reform it (which I don't think is possible).
I've become more and more sure over the past few years that the WTBTS is nothing more than a gigantic publishing company, with quite a few evil people at the top.
Faith? I don't have much of it left anymore, either in spiritual things OR mankind, to be honest!
Other people? I care about most people, some I can tolerate a lot better than others.
Myself? Oh boy, I've learned ALOT. I can be incredibly intolerant of persons I perceive as ignorant or blind (figuratively), too much so at times, I think. I tend to egg people on when I perceive that they're making fools of themselves. I should probably work on that a bit. lol
I was quite gullible when going into the "truth" (gag, retch) and mentally lazy. I had to learn to take responsibility for my decisions and choices, because when in the ORG, they were all made for me! I learned, and alot of times it was the hard way.
But basically I'm a good kitty, and I do have a heart.
this is a question my df mother would like me to post for her:.
would it be morally right to go back to the jws, even though she doesn't feel it is god's org?
she would do this in order to speak with her life long friends and her youngest daughter, all of whom are quite emotionally distraught due to her dfing.
I had this beautiful post all put together earlier today, went to hit send, and the site had gone down. When I came back later on and hit the back button on my browser, my beautiful post had gone down the DB toilet bowl.
So, let's try again:
Hi Lisa's mother,
It is so hard when we have loved ones in that awful cult, and I really feel for you, not being able to know your grandchildren. Someday, probably when it's too late, your daughter will realize what she's done, but that does no good now, eh? You have a difficult situation, no doubt about it, but the one thing that runs through my mind is "Be true to yourself".
No matter what you decide to do, we are here for you, to help you get through the day to day pain and bewilderment of being one of the walking wounded from that horrible Organization. I hope you will feel comfortable here. Don't let the ones who are still in the Org but not showing love as they should, (remember, they are totally brainwashed) to get you down. We'll be glad to give 'em a swift kick when they need it to line 'em out.
did anyone lose beloved family members or friends to death while in the org?
if so, how did you feel about it once you came out of the cult and figured out that everything you'd been taught about the new system coming soon, and loved ones being resurrected was a big fat lie you'd been spoonfed?
how did you feel and react to that?.
I was part of an email group for about three years named "Motherless" and there were quite a few women on there, including the list owner who had lost their mothers at a young age. The list owner is also an Ex-Dub. From what I could tell, alot of them had flashbacks and alot of their grieving as they got older. Most of them said they felt always a sense of loss that they couldn't quite define, especially those who lost their mothers when they were around 3-5 years of age. The list of others who had a similar loss really helped them to deal with it all.
did anyone lose beloved family members or friends to death while in the org?
if so, how did you feel about it once you came out of the cult and figured out that everything you'd been taught about the new system coming soon, and loved ones being resurrected was a big fat lie you'd been spoonfed?
how did you feel and react to that?.
Hugs to all of you who posted, and to others who have lost loved ones while in the Borg and now feel that they may never see them again. I can truly relate.
Prisca, how old were you when you lost your mother? I was 35.
new to the board - just saying hello - looking forward to participating!
finally free after 25 years.
Welcome, Individual and Jayhawk. Hope you enjoy the board. It's a nice place that Simon has provided for us. Nice to meet you!
did anyone lose beloved family members or friends to death while in the org?
if so, how did you feel about it once you came out of the cult and figured out that everything you'd been taught about the new system coming soon, and loved ones being resurrected was a big fat lie you'd been spoonfed?
how did you feel and react to that?.
I hear ya, Enlightened. I hope your daughter is doing well, now. I can't imagine what you've been through. That group is truly cold when it comes to emotional empathy, for sure!