Thanks Lee.
Yours was a nice post to read while drinking my morning tea.
It's gonna be a good day.
this is pretty strange or odd how it worked out this.
even if you are not religious you'll enjoy this.. .
what is the shortest chapter in the bible?.
Thanks Lee.
Yours was a nice post to read while drinking my morning tea.
It's gonna be a good day.
good question do animals go to heaven?
i ask this because jws say to me they dont,only humans go to heaven they say "that sounds like crap to me" surely animals are precious to god as well as humans and think at least animals dont use humans to test on!!
!and where does the bible say that animals dont get eternal life
Who fell from grace? Not the animals.
My friend, Father John, says that animals go to heaven because they still do God's will--they never disobeyed. They go to heaven and they don't need a mediator to get there. Father John believes that the 4 beasts mentioned in Revelation 4:6-9 are animal angels.
Who knows if his interpretation is correct. It's the best explanation of that scripture that I have heard so far.
If they do go to heaven, I believe, much like SaintSatan, that they would go to their own form of heaven.
Hopefully, we will all be able to visit our pets in pet heaven.
well it's ash wed people, has anyone today received "the mark of the beast"?.
it's time to get the mark of the beast, on your forehead and on your.
Are you on drugs?
interesting hozison programme on bbc2 last week about how new evidence is coming out that there may be parallel universes that are "needed " to explain our own.. once prominent physicist belives our universe "borrows" gravity from another universe.. but what really is happeing in physics , can it really tell us the truth about our universe?.
it seems that a lot of physics is think of an idea that could explain phenonoma and then see if you can make it work with mathamatics.. but as more and more complex theories are coming forward and are used to explain how the universe works it seems that any grasp on the truth of the matter is getting further and further away.when you start invocking parallel universes to explain things where do you stop?.
it seems that at least for now the universe is unexplainable.even without parellel universes you still cannot explain the origin of the universe , were it came from or why it is here.which ever way you go you get to a point in which you can never test or measure to see if you are right.. if there are parallel universes then do these need other universes to explain them?.
Since #6 got cut off, here it is again:
6. "It reminds me of a disscusion I once had on the ministry where a guy explianed to me his belief that what ever you belived was true.
I said if this were true I could never know it as I didn't believe it was true and therefore in my universe it wasn't true."
Wow, you just had a moment of zen. Congrats.
interesting hozison programme on bbc2 last week about how new evidence is coming out that there may be parallel universes that are "needed " to explain our own.. once prominent physicist belives our universe "borrows" gravity from another universe.. but what really is happeing in physics , can it really tell us the truth about our universe?.
it seems that a lot of physics is think of an idea that could explain phenonoma and then see if you can make it work with mathamatics.. but as more and more complex theories are coming forward and are used to explain how the universe works it seems that any grasp on the truth of the matter is getting further and further away.when you start invocking parallel universes to explain things where do you stop?.
it seems that at least for now the universe is unexplainable.even without parellel universes you still cannot explain the origin of the universe , were it came from or why it is here.which ever way you go you get to a point in which you can never test or measure to see if you are right.. if there are parallel universes then do these need other universes to explain them?.
1. "But what really is happeing in physics , can it really tell us the truth about our universe?"
It's done a great job so far.
2. "When you start invocking parallel universes to explain things where do you stop?"
Why would you want to stop before you find the answer?
3. "It seems that at least for now the universe is unexplainable."
Hmmmm, really? (sarcasm)
Maybe your statement explains why scientists are considering parallel universes. THEY WANT TO EXPLAIN THE "UNEXPLAINABLE" UNIVERSE.
4. "If there are parallel universes then do these need other universes to explain them?
5. "This could go on for ever."
What is wrong with that?
6. "It reminds me of a disscusion I once had on the ministry where a guy explianed to me his belief that what ever you belived was true.
I said if this were true I could never know it as I didn't believe it was true and therefore in my universe it wasn't true."
i notice when i am in chat a lot of people take "smoke" breaks.
i wonder how many of ya'll took up smoking after the left the org?
personally i have tried a ciggy a time or two but didn't really take to it...if i am going to smoke something i want it to make me...uuummm happy
What? Smoking pot wont give you lung cancer? Stone the crows! I would think that with all the tar that mj smoke has in it, its a quicker road to lung cancer/death. Nicotin doesn't give you cancer, tar does. I wont even mention the carbon monoxide.
"Ha'Shem hu ha'Elokim"
for those of you who have read this in someone elses thread, i apologize.
it was suggested i start my own thread so here is my story again for anyone who may have missed it.
i am currently from minnesota and live in st. paul (roseville), but the congregation that i went to was in the apple valley area.
Hi Radiolady,
As one radio person to another, welcome to the board.
"Ha'Shem hu ha'Elokim"
the little girl stands for your family within the organization all the attempts they will make to encourage you to come back and have their approval if you will just submit.
the best friend represents all those that you grew up with in the organization, people you have known all your life, those who you may see once a year at the district convention who rush up to you and are so happy to see you, they make you feel secure and a part of something.
the government agent symbolizes the organization that has desperate need of your services.
You said: "I thought it was an above average movie, but Russell Crowe's accent was beyond terrible. Sometimes you couldn't even tell what he was saying."
I believe he was imitating a schizophrenic's monotone. Any schizophrenic that I have known has a similar tonal quality to their voice consisting of a monotone and low pitch, as if they are sharing a secret with you.
the little girl stands for your family within the organization all the attempts they will make to encourage you to come back and have their approval if you will just submit.
the best friend represents all those that you grew up with in the organization, people you have known all your life, those who you may see once a year at the district convention who rush up to you and are so happy to see you, they make you feel secure and a part of something.
the government agent symbolizes the organization that has desperate need of your services.
You wrote:
"To put it bluntly, this is some of the best acting you will ever see. Unfortunately, A BEAUTIFUL MIND becomes a psychological thriller that leads to a pithy resolution that "love conquers all"."
This is the best, most accurate critique that I have read of the movie.
I did a little research into John Nash. He never even made an acceptance speach when he won the Nobel prize. The committee was worried that he would embarrass himself if he did. So, the "love conquers all" speech is a Hollywood fluff fest. Also, in real life, Alicia divorced him.
Although the acting was incredible, I felt that I was ripped off $7.00 ($14.00 if you count my husband) by going to see this movie at the cinema. I would have enjoyed this movie much more if I had paid less money to see it by waiting for the release of the video.
Robdar .
atheists will think this is fluff.. most christians will judge it satanic.. some spiritual christians, pagans, wiccans, eastern meditaters and those w a spiritual interest might find something of worth in this essay.
I will unlock mine for a few minutes.