Why are you waiting until you get the promotion to quit the borg? There's no time like the present...
It will be interesting to hear your story. We'll stayed tuned.
i told the presiding overseer that i'd probably be late getting home from work.
but i actually spent my time driving around and enjoying the spring weather.. in other news i'll be going in for a job interview tomorrow within the company.
i'm really hoping i land this job, because as soon as i can secure a new position (my old one is being phased out) i'll be exiting the stage of the jw comedy of errors.. .
Why are you waiting until you get the promotion to quit the borg? There's no time like the present...
It will be interesting to hear your story. We'll stayed tuned.
which is worlds most civilized nation?.
what do you reckon, if there is indeed such a thing as the most civilized country.. to be civilized means:cause to improve from a savage or primative form of human society to a more developed one.. so that rules out any country that allows its inhabitans to run round armed to the teeth.. the country would need good standards of living, and education.. laws that allow maximun freedoms without impinging too much on other people.. good safty codes and regulations and good care for elderly .. so who is doing it best in the world at the moment?.
My vote goes to the Netherlands/Holland.
A close second is England.
i've labored long & hard for the borg.
for honor & for spiritual-riches .
but on these corns too long you've tread.
A pair
Of mismatched newlyweds,
One of whom still feels very insecure,
I keep turning to God
Hafiz--a 14th century Sufi poet
if men were created in the image of god , and women created for men , then why do all foetuses start off female?.
according to the bible eve was created out of adam.. well i can't speak for adam but the basic body structure of a human it seams starts off as female , men branching off at a certain point of developement due to man making hormones.it doen't get rid of our nipples though.. if men came first or are in some way superior in gods eyes then why the need to develope as a female first , shouldn't it be the other way round?.
so shouldn't have god made eve first?
Females were here first. Males came along for genetic diversity.
i want to send my heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the canadians for what happened in afghanistan this week.
it breaks my heart that the actions of this nation have affected your good country in such a horrible way.
please know that there are many of us in united states who are appalled and dismayed over the "friendly fire" accident.
I want to send my heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the Canadians for what happened in Afghanistan this week.
It breaks my heart that the actions of this nation have affected your good country in such a horrible way. Please know that there are many of us in United States who are appalled and dismayed over the "friendly fire" accident. We grieve with you and pray that you will forgive us.
hello, i am new to this website, but have to be straightforward and say that i do not agree with most subjects and contents.
i am an active jehovah witness, but i am very lonely so i am looking for others with the "hope" or to speak to those that know someone that does.
it has been a long , hard road for me.
You said:
"But I came here, I guess, to listen and learn what is wrong with the way things are now and being governed. If I learn what is displeasing you about the org."
But you said earlier:
"Hi, this is Lotus,the writer of the topic. why am I here? its because it says Jehovah Witness discussion, so I thought it was for Jehovah Witnesses, but I guess I was wrong. It's an ex-witness site? Why can't you all move on from your pain?"
Which of the above statements is the truth? One implies that you came here by accident. The other implies that you came here purposefully to try to seduce us back to the Kingdom Hall.
I smell bullshit.
you are all sorry losers you should be pounding the streets and forcing people to take your stupid watchtowers but instead you are sitting on your fat azzes complainging and crying about how you were treated!!
if you had kissed azz a little more in the kingdom halls you wouldn't be here!
JWs_suck is just being a wise-ass. Who knows? Maybe he thinks that he is in a Monty Python skit and wants to buy an argument.
Where is this offer for a million dollars? I checked the web site. I didn't see an offer.
A million dollars for what? For a picture of a ghost?
I didn't believe in ghostly phenomenon but went ghost hunting anyway with my sister last weekend. I kind of wish that I hadn't gone.
I have a picture that I, a skeptic, not my sister, a believer, took with my new digital camera in a grave yard in Alabama. It is the weirdest and scariest picture that I have ever seen. And it's not a picture showing "strange lights" that Randy talked about. Where do I submit the picture?
If Randy can't prove that it's not a ghost, do I get the million? Probably not.
I really would like for somebody to give me a logical explanation as to what is on this picture. I felt better when I knew that I didn't believe.
When I get the pic transferred to my computer, I will try to post it on this forum. Give me a couple of days.
i'm not talking about the homo thing here.. i am very different.
i learn differently.
i am odd, very eccentric sense of humor.. i have decided that instead of trying to get one doctorate degree that i am going to try and get several bachelors degrees in different areas of interest.. i like too many things to concentrate on one subject.. i have worked at the same type of job for the last 20 years and have never been happy.
Y'all need Prozac to help you focus better. NOT!!! Just teasing you guys.
hello, i am new to this website, but have to be straightforward and say that i do not agree with most subjects and contents.
i am an active jehovah witness, but i am very lonely so i am looking for others with the "hope" or to speak to those that know someone that does.
it has been a long , hard road for me.
Hi Lotus:
I read your post to my JW daddy. He said that you should be spending more time out in service. Then you wouldn't be so lonely.
My dad is a mature, active JW. He is not DF'd or DA'd. He was an elder for years and he really said the above.
Maybe you should follow his advice and increase your time spent out in service instead of posting on this board.