My bosom is bare
The moonlight shines upon me
It tickles I laugh
ive ben hearing alot of ads on the radio that contain poems hiku, highcou,hycu, or how ever that word is spelled, so i was thinking how many can we come up with on jwd, so her is mine:.
i like to drink beer.
beer beer beer beer beer beer beer.
My bosom is bare
The moonlight shines upon me
It tickles I laugh
i've had this cowdog for nearly 11 years now.
today she went out in the sun and got heatstroke and just didn't recover.
i gave her cpr and brought her back twice but she was too far gone.
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your dear friend. I hope that there is a pet heaven where you will both meet again.
it seems as if the one calling "herself" janh surivived my decidedly poorly planned attack yesterday evening, by countering my spell with a terrifyingly more powerful spell, one that involved (sadly, i have suffered dearly for mistaking the sex of my enemy) a bottle of omega 3-6-9 oil, some sand, and a large dog.. needless to say, i will spend the rest of july roaming the silent, lonely and dim lit halls of our local hospital with the elderly and infirmed in a wheelchair, and am now communicating to you all ala stephen hawking.
it smells of cancerous death here.. wounded, i slink back to my chambers.
janh is not the woman i thought he was.
Tell that round, yellow, little buddy of yours to stop hogging that bong.
i thought that maybe some may want to see another side of the argument of god verses secularism / evolution verses creationism.
im not interested in the fact that many have lost their religious fervor and become atheists or invented their own belief system, or still accept the bible but with a different twist.
my intention is to make as strong of an argument as i can for the existence of a particular god, who i believe we all once knew and may be privileged to know again.
Is this some of Paul Twitchell's teachings?
there are far less jw posters on this site than i had originally thought there would be, and was happy to find far more xjw's than i thought existed on the internet, and am curious if it was simons intention to create a board solely for jehovahs witnesses thoughts or interpretations in the beginning, or if he had intended this site to become a 'meet and greet' for those who left (or got booted from) the borg, or both?
the reason i ask, is that the wts teaches that surfing the internet 'while being an educational tool' is roughly the equivalent of camping out in satans colon, and i can only imagine a site not (just an educated guess) sponsored by the wts with the slogan "discussion forum for anything jw related...everyone is welcome!
" could only seen as a roadmap into the devils gaping piehole.. i'm pretty green around here, and was just wondering..
Hi The Bad Seed,
LOL at the visuals: "equivalent of camping out in Satans colon" and "could only seen as a roadmap into the Devils gaping piehole."
Welcome to the forum.
Edited by - robdar on 8 July 2002 12:0:20
well i rarely get jw's at my door at all.
but today, i had them in my neighborhood and boy, oh boy, what an experience!
it was two youngish, 20-something females.
Well done, Cynthia.
just a quick question, and one that seems to take jehovahs witnesses back a little, an extremely good question to ask a pioneer.
"so, with all your hours of service, how many people have you actually brought into the jehovahs witness organisation?".
um.... genuinely, 100% of my old jw freinds have all been raised in the organisation.
When I was 15, I studied with another teenager who eventually became baptized but not because of our book study. My mother converted her grandmother who in turn converted this young woman.
My mom is responsible for converting six. Of these six, 2 became members of the "anointed".
hello all, just wanted to say hi, i'm new here.
i'm from seattle washington, and excaped the cult when i was about 18, i'm now 32.. .
picture of me can be found here <evil grin> >:)
Hi Trauma Hound,
I have enjoyed our discussions in the chat room. It is always a pleasure to have individuals with your intelligence and sense of humor join the forum. Welcome.
the congregation i belong to is small and most of its territory is in the rurals.
there is one territory in particular that is some distance from the hall and so it does not get worked as often as the closer ones.
then he said: "i cant talk to you people, you dont believe in hell" .
What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it with us .
sometimes political orientation is described through a left-right axis only, which is obviously inadequate as it tends to associate gandhi and stalin, and make pol pot a radical and hitler a conservative.. this is a good, short test that asks you a number of questions and places you on a two-dimensional axis.. take it here:
i took the test and got the following result:.
your political compass:economic left/right: -1.12. authoritarian/libertarian: -6.21. that is, centrist with a slight leftist bent, strongly libertarian.