FOFL...That picture is hillarious! Where did you find it?
FOFL...That picture is hillarious! Where did you find it?
mystikool told me i should endure.
he said it not right for me to drop out when there is battle to be fought.
so i no longer offended.
Mystics know that all paths lead to the Beloved.
You and HildaBigen can call yourselves mystics all day long but you haven't a clue about true mysticism.
i believe that queenie is still posting using the names hildabingen and mystikool.. has any one else noticed the similarities?
I LOVE the analogy of Whac-a-Mole. Thanks for the visual.
I agree with you. I think that brother Saint Satan has figured out the true identities.
i believe that queenie is still posting using the names hildabingen and mystikool.. has any one else noticed the similarities?
I believe that Queenie is still posting using the names HildaBingen and Mystikool.
Has any one else noticed the similarities?
< http://www.austheos.org.au/indices/beacon.htm.
just what in the hell is this?:.
the beacon 1922 - continuing, new york, lucis trust, foster bailey .
From http://www.paganpath.com/four.html
"The 'Quarters' often refer to the elements of nature that are forces honored by Pagans and Witches. They are named many things, but you will often hear them referred to as corners, quarters, Watchtowers, elements, Elementals, etc. All of these related titles have different meanings and represent different forms of energy"
"But few will hear the secrets hidden within the notes."--Rumi
PS. Greetings Saint Satan. The tapes are coming your way this weekend.
it seems that there is much anger on this place.
in my country we do not understand the manifestation of hostility manifested on a public board.
if some of these people do not calm down, they might be next terrorists in news.
Mystifool said: "Believe us, dear, we do not come here to associate with any one. We just want to speak truth and express our freedom of speech and set Bowen straight"
So why don't you start speaking some truth then? Everything that you have said so far is nothing but JW propaganda. No truth in it.
"Not preaching here, so we will not count time. We only answer to God. No need to tell elders our business and God's"
Just as I thought. You are a coward and hypocrite.
You then said: "We do not call ourself mystics."
You can't even remember what you post you have such a diarrhea mouth. I quote you from the above post: ":Hello, Mystikool. Greetings from one mystic (Master Adept) to another.:
Greetings accuracy. Glad to know someone else in here is sane besides us. Mystics rock!"
Sweetie, I'd really love it if you explained what you meant by "The word is only a phenom word".
C'mon psuedo-intellectual, stop talking rubbish. Typical.
it seems that there is much anger on this place.
in my country we do not understand the manifestation of hostility manifested on a public board.
if some of these people do not calm down, they might be next terrorists in news.
You said: "'Get away from me, you evildoers, that I may observe the commandments of my God.'
Psalm 119:115"
Believe me, we would love to get away from you if you would only let us. So, why do you keep coming to this forum to associate with apostates?
Seems to me that you do not know how to follow your own God's advice. Oopps, I forgot, you are just here for the attention. Too bad you don't get enough of it at your local KH.
Are you counting time on this board? Will you tell the elders of your congregation where you are spending your time?
I think you wouldn't dare. Why don't you levitate your mystical ass on down to your local congregation and tell the elders where you have been associating? Then come back here and let us know what they said.
I think that they would also be interested in knowing that you are calling yourself a mystic. The WTBTS doesn't approve of mysticism, you know.
Time to take your dog and pony show elsewhere, girly.
it seems that there is much anger on this place.
in my country we do not understand the manifestation of hostility manifested on a public board.
if some of these people do not calm down, they might be next terrorists in news.
You said "No loyal jw would obey this "new light" you talk about. We believe that we should obey God rather than man."
Sorry to disagree with ya, bud. The reason I left the WT is because one night during KMS, an elder told the congregation that complete faith in Jehovah's organization was required. That included jumping off the bridge if the WTS told us to.
Huh? Thanks but no thanks. That was when I realised that the organization was trying to brain-wash me.
This wasn't long after the disaster at Jonestown Guyana. Rember Jim Jones and the poison kool aid?
I still thank God for the excellent Bullshit detector he gave me.
I recently mentioned what that elder said to a current JW acquaintance of mine in Canada. He agreed that most JW's would do whatever the WTS said including going to Madagascar to meet the UFO's if that is what the society wanted. He said, who is to say what Jehovah will want us to do when the end comes? Only the organization knows and we must be obedient to the faithful and discreet slave.
JW's are more brain-washed than your typical Moonie.
I really don't know why I am feeding a troll......
PS. The mystics I know do not get on a public opinion forum and brag about being mystics.
"there is neither jew nor greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one person in christ jesus".
galatians 3:28
Cool, Hilda. Thanks.
dear ken:.
i hope your brother in law is faring well.
you asked about evil the other day and i am now getting back to you on that subject.. i cannot prove that god exists.
If the existence of evil is proof that there is no God, would the existence of good be proof that there IS a God?