I had read about this research in the late 80's. I have often wondered how it is progressing but didn't know where to find the information. Thank you for posting.
I had read about this research in the late 80's. I have often wondered how it is progressing but didn't know where to find the information. Thank you for posting.
hey - where is fred hall?
i know it probably takes him a looooong time to read all of the posts here concerning dateline, so maybe his comments are forthcoming.
or, there was a big troll meeting about the dateline program, & he's busy taking notes on how to spout new company lines for the wt!
It's never easy when the smack comes down. Give him time. He will be back.
i called my mother last night (an active jw) right after the dateline segment and said "well, what'd ya think?".
we talked a little bit, then i said "well, i noticed quite a few times it was said 'jehovah will take care of things' or 'we need to wait on jehovah'.
she replied that was correct - jehovah would take care of things.. so i responded "mom - i think he just did!".
I agree with your assessment of the conversation you had with your mum.
It all comes down to communication. You did a very good job of speaking her language. Your patience, love and willingness to try to communicate on her level got through to her. Good job.
united states-.
satan the devil, the wicked one, launched an extraordinary offensive tonight against jehovah himself.
after taking control of the souls of nbc dateline reporters, the devil made a vicious and unprecedented attack against gods own organization.
Tdogg, you are outrageous! Thanks for the laugh.
since the subject is so topical after tonite's "dateline".
and how the young woman did a wonderful job of explaining.
what had happened to her and how her "wonderful spiritual family".
"Doesn't view you as an equal." Just what is that supposed to mean?
Since when does the WTBTS view women as equal to men?
Sisters, do you remeber having to wear a covering on your head if you served in any position that a brother would normally serve?
"Thank God Almighty, free at last"
was there a record number in the chat room immediately after dateline aired?.
i don't remember seeing so many at one time, and such eminent people, too!!
why, even ozzie showed up!
G'day Ozzie,
Yes, so many in chat including a few JW's. What a night! I think we set a new record.
it is reason that engenders self-respect, and reflection that confirms it: it is reason which turns man's mind back upon itself, and divides him from everything that could disturb or afflict him.
it is philosophy that isolates him, and bids him say, at sight of the misfortunes of others: "perish if you will, i am secure.
" nothing but such general evils as threaten the whole community can disturb the tranquil sleep of the philosopher, or tear him from his bed.
Wow, I feel as if I have stumbled into the board's coffee shop with all this philosophical debate going on in here... I love it.
PS, Has anybody seen Occam's razor?
a man found an eagle's egg and put it in a nest of a barnyard hen.
the eaglet hatched with the brood of chicks and grew up with them.. all his life the eagle did what the barnyard chicks did, .
thinking he was a barnyard chicken.
Cool story. Thanks
some people in this place think that jws break up families.
they say that since jws df unrepentant baptized members and insist on jw family members restricting association with df members that jws try to break up families.
what do you think about this charge?.
Oh God, please save me from "your followers".
Gals and guys, this Non thang is just stirring up trouble and evading the real truth. Have you noticed how he changes the subject when you make an honest point? I pity him because he thinks that Jah needs him to come on board to pester the apostates. He is probably counting time.
Let's ignore Non/Mysticool/Hilda. Maybe he will go away. Let's show him what shunning is really like. Of course, he will just reappear with a different name....
PS: I am sooooo looking forward to Dateline tomorrow night. My JW parents want me to tape the program for them since they will be at the book study. They are hoping that this program will clean out the organization.
on june 1st, for an alaskan cruise .
my mom, dad and myself are off for a much deserved and long awaited vacation.
we're leaving out of vancouver, bc and from there to.... juneau.
I hope that you have a wonderful time and take lots of pictures. You must tell us all about it when you return.
God speed....