Best wishes for a speedy recovery. You are in my thoughts.
you might think i'm being picky here, please dont take this the wrong way.
the thing is, i'm stuggling with my health at the moment and am going in hospital to see if my cancer has spread.. heres my gripe: some people (noone on this board) say to me, over and over, that they know someone who had skin cancer and they're fine now....how they can just remove the mole and everything is fine.
well for the purposes of educating people:.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. You are in my thoughts.
is it possible to love and be in love with two people at the same time?
"But my love for her is unbelievably powerful, she owns a piece of my very soul. And I have never met her in person, how whacky is that?"
I don't think it is wacky at all. Many people on this board have left their finger prints all over my soul. Some more so than others. Most of these people I have never met. And yes, I love some of them; I hope to meet them in the future. I am sure that I will continue to love them deeply, throughout my life, even if things do not become "physical".
is it possible to love and be in love with two people at the same time?
I believe it is possible to be in love with two people at the same time. You might love one a little more than the other but that doesn't nullify the feelings you have for the other person.
Edited by - robdar on 16 August 2002 12:47:22
take this test...what is your true talent?.
your true talent is abstract reasoning .
Robyn, your true talent is spatial ability
This ability to visualize objects in three-dimensional space can give you a unique view of the world. You appear to understand how figures can be manipulated and take on new forms. Because of this talent, you can probably imagine new designs easily, including anything from floor plans to page layouts and even 3D product prototypes.
People like you are usually great when it comes to putting together assemble-it-yourself furniture or other household items whether the items arrive with instructions or not. Your spatial skills can also help you understand the finer points of how things work.
How do we know that your true talent is spatial ability? While you were taking the test, we calculated your responses to each test question, and noticed that, relative to others, you consistently answered questions that measure spatial ability correctly.
Lew said: "Funny, three women take the test and all three score best on verbal????
What has always been said about women talking???? LOL
You underestimate the fairer sex.
Edited by - robdar on 16 August 2002 12:1:7
dearest beck,, so sorry to hear that today was the day 15 yrs ago of your loss.
i remember you told me about this in an email and i cant imagine the pain you must be feeling on this day.
my mother committed suicide on september 15, 1985 and that day always brings up the pain as if it were yesterday.
May you have peace of mind. My thoughts are with you.
robdar has knee surgery today,,,just wanted to wish her the best!!
hope all is going well,,,,and you recover fast...hugs to you
I am touched by your messages of good cheer and well wishes. My life is enriched by your companionship. Thank you for your friendship.
robdar has knee surgery today,,,just wanted to wish her the best!!
hope all is going well,,,,and you recover fast...hugs to you
Awwww, thank you everybody.
I am blessed to have friends like you. It must be the pain pills that are causing me to weep with happiness.
I love all of you.
ok, so, like, what is the deal with married guys?.
one of the, uh, strange new things i've encountered since de-borg-ing.
is being like a magnet for one married guy afta anutha..... .
You are a sweetie, but really.....do you think this guy would hit on her in front of you? Sorry, I don't believe the story went down like that. But not because I think you are a liar. I have met guys like your friend.
ok, so, like, what is the deal with married guys?.
one of the, uh, strange new things i've encountered since de-borg-ing.
is being like a magnet for one married guy afta anutha..... .
By the way, he had an unlisted number, but somehow she obtained it.
Gee, I wonder how she got it? And quick enough to call the next day. Wow all that and he never once hit on her. LMAO
since bleep has posted his poll reguarding god i decided to post a poll on what afterlife torture bleep should recieve from yours truly.. here are your choices:.
a. fire pit.
b. frozen tombs.
As a matter of fact I am---but you have to enjoy wearing little leather, much skin and carrying around a whip.
Unholy One,
I already do that.....when can I start?