What has 1 discussion in chat got to do with me being paranoid? Stop trying to divert the issue here. Something is fishy if you in "all your studies of Mary and all" never came across this teaching. By the way, honoring Mary, praying to her in fact, is a church DOCTRINE not a theory. Your use of the word theory also has me doubting about how deep your involvement is in Catholicism. If it is only a theory to you, why waste your wife's time or ours?
'What do I care" If you don't care, why did you respond?
BTW, hun, Kansas City is fine. Funny, that you should remember I live in KC after meeting me once, but you can't remember one of the reasons for a basic doctrine of your faith.
Yes, there is love in Christ,
Oh and I just have to respond to this remark you made: "Don't worry I don't judge anyone That's not my Job." And yet you call me paranoid. Sounds like a judgment to me. You are getting pretty defensive for somebody who asks 'What do I care".
Edited by - robdar on 30 August 2002 1:40:28
Edited by - robdar on 30 August 2002 2:6:51