JoinedTopics Started by Robert_V_Frazier
by revdrjohnson inas the text containing alpha and omega in revelation 1:11 has no uncial support or any manuscripts prior to the ninth century it clearly lacks authority and that is why it is not included in most recent translations including the nwt.
the textual support available then was primarily two rather inferior manuscripts in the university library at basle, both dating from about the twelfth century, as well as the singular incomplete manuscript of revelation mentioned in my previous post.
Bible is wrong, WT is right
by Nowhere inbible's view: women can hold positions in the congregation.
ro 16:1
Riddle me this ......
by myself in.
what is greater than god, more evil than the devil, the rich need need it, the poor have it, and if you eat it you will die?
when asked 80% of kindergardeners knew the correct answer, yet only 17% of stanford university graduates were able to answer correctly
Anyone for online chess?
by Kingpawn inby chat or email, of course if you're in western ohio maybe we could play in person.
Help! Rev. 1:11, someone expain?
by FRUSR8TD inso here i am just reading my the book of revelation in my bible (nkv)..and i'm thinking "how can they read this and not see that jesus and god are the same?
so i get out my wife'ss bible (nwt) and boom there it bible has the alpha and omega refrence in rev 1:11...hers does not.
i then take a look at rev 22:19 and there it has the punishments for adding or deleting anything from this book.
"forged" Watchtower quotes
by Robert_V_Frazier ini posted a thread about the second one at carm: (long!
the quote is not fabricated.
all the others give the correct reference, november 1, 1931 p. 327.. if you would like hard-copy of the article that quote came from, i'll be happy to fax it to you.
New Light - Use LOGIC and Reason
by ItsJustlittleoldme infrom the apr 1, 2002 wt: (page 3 -4).
sorry, just read this and had to point out the similarities.. it's interesting, i think that they are talking about themselves .
should faith be based on reason?.
Bible vs JW 2-witness rule
by Robert_V_Frazier inthe watchtower and its apologists keep insisting that the bible gives them no choice but to insist on two witnesses to an act of molestation before they can do anything beyond filing a report with headquarters.
there is very clear teaching in the bible that the two-witness principle does not apply to this type of situation.
here's the text:.
KM Scan - Internet Use
by VioletAnai i said it's in the may 2002 km outline for may 20:.