Posts by Robert_V_Frazier

  • 67mustang

    "Work that will be completed in our 20th c...

    by 67mustang in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    i read an article about a 1989 watchtower that stated the preaching work would be completed in our 20th century, but was revised in the bound volume to say "in our day".

    i told my brother this and he said, "if it's on the net about jw's it's a lie".

    i want to prove to him it was a fact.

    1. Elsewhere
    2. Tower Man
    3. Oroborus21
  • Robert_V_Frazier

    Speaking of accurate info on the Watchtower on the internet, I came across one website* run by "hector3000", a self-styled JW "apologist" (whose website is in open rebellion against Borg directives forbidding dubs to set up such sites) in which he claimed, "Any document posted on a web-site AGAINST JW's that makes Witnesses look real bad, has an extremely high probability of being fabricated." He learned the art of exaggeration to the point of lying well from his "mother", but I'm curious if anyone could substantiate his claim in even one instance. Has anyone here ever seen a quote from the WBTS in any anti-JW website that was not genuine? A lot of them could be called out-of-context, since so many are only a sentence or two, but have you ever found one where the words in the quote really didn't exist in the Watchtower mags or books?

    I never have, but I'm just wondering.

    Robert Frazier
