Even if it is in Weekly World News, this is for real. See http://www.lifegem.com
Available for dead pets, too!
Robert V. Frazier
you heard it here first.
read the story from the respected "weekly world news".. http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/bizarre/bizarre.cfm?instanceid=47842.
Even if it is in Weekly World News, this is for real. See http://www.lifegem.com
Available for dead pets, too!
Robert V. Frazier
can you tell me why in your nwt of the bible john 20:28 says, "in answer tomas said to him, "my lord and my god!
"" (captial g) to the resurrected jesus, however in john 1:1 it says, "in the begining the word was, and the word was with god, and teh word was a god.
" (lower case g) and then since jws have said that he (jesus) is a creation (the first creation, archangel) in your very own nwt it says in john 1:3 "all things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence.. it would seem to me that if all things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence, then he must be god and not archangel.
Explanation: The Bible teaches that Jesus is God, and the Watchtower Society doesn't believe the Bible on this point -- among many others.
Robert V. Frazier
what do these scriptures apply to now?
who is apollyon, the locust, the trees and grass??.
rev 9:1-11. the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and i saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth.
What do these scriptures apply to now? Who is Apollyon, the locust, the trees and grass??
Now? Nothing that I know of. It's about an attack of a swarm of demons sometime in the future. Apollyon is a demon. Possibly Satan, possibly someone who works for Satan. The locusts are demons. Only someone who has been exposed to toxic WBTS fumes would ask "Who is the trees and grass?" Trees are big plants that you make baseball bats, pianos, and books out of. Grass is a small plant, often eaten by cows.
Robert Frazier
this is the true history of the earth, man, dinosaurs, etc.
i will make more strips in the near future.. .
You gotta tell me how to clear-up the smudges around my words. Any advice?
Mr. Biggs, the smudges are caused by saving in jpeg format with quality set too low. jpeg compression is a "lossy" format, and any sharp contrasts between dark and light (such as black text on a white background) will have pixels around the border in various shades between the two colors -- gray, in this case. I presume you made the images as bitmaps originally, then converted to jpegs. See if there's an option for "Quality" in the file save dialog. If so, set it to 100% or close to it, and the smudges will stop. The files will be somewhat larger, but that's the trade-off. When using jpeg format for, say, a color photograph, you can get away with setting the quality much lower.
Robert Frazier
strange news - ap lithuania deploys cardboard cops tue sep 3, 3:52 pm et .
vilnius, lithuania (ap) - lithuania this week launched a novel program to deal with a shortage of traffic police: it's cut new ones out of cardboard and propped them up on the side of streets to scare motorists into slowing down.
ap photo .
Or until a pedestrian punches its head off, whichever comes first.
Robert Frazier
in japan, the impersonal and unhelpful microsoft error messages have been replaced with haiku poetry messages.
haiku poetry has strict construction rules.. each poem has only 17 syllables; 5 syllables in the first, 7 in the second, 5 in the third.. they are used to communicate a timeless message, often achieving a wistful,yearning and powerful insight through extreme brevity.
here are 16 actual error messages from japan.. your file was so big.. it might be very useful.. but now it is gone.. the web site you seek.
This forum is for
jokes and humor, lunacy.
Seek true news elsewhere.
Robert Frazier
subject: fw: top 25 country songs .
25. get your tongue outta my mouth 'cause i'm kissing you goodbye.
24. her teeth was stained, but her heart were pure.
Those titles are very entertaining...are they 'for real' songs?
Oh, yeah. Just like "Don't Come Home A-Drinkin', With Bowlin' on Yer Mind", and "Lord, Sanforize My Pants, Before the Next Teardrop Falls".
No. They're not.
Robert Frazier
can someone tell me how jws view this scripture ?
and does anyone know where dungbeetle went?.
paduan .
No one knows how they interpret this scripture ?
Um, badly?
Robert Frazier
the bit in question, of course, is:in the wake of the announcement, a number of other publications have announced plans for "sex issues," including cosmopolitan, vogue, fhm, stuff, men's health, esquire, spin, entertainment weekly, sports illustrated, vanity fair, harper's, better homes & gardens, money, mother jones, comics buyer's guide, national geographic, reason, the watchtower, model railroader, biblical archaeology review, and cat fancy.. edited by - xander on 9 august 2002 11:8:19.
LOL @ Model Railroader. I guess anything can have a sex spin...
Sure, Zenpunk! Explicit color photos of model trains steaming into tunnels!
Robert Frazier
allowing their 23 year old child to live at home even though this child makes enough money to support themselves and the parent doesn't need their financial support?.
i ask because my former best friend (who betrayed me to the elders) still lives with her mom.
she moved in a month before she got df'd even though her mom knew she was close to getting df'd.
For Dia: http://quotes.jehovahswitnesses.com/ It's in the logo at the top.
For Stinkypantz: It's not my place to tell you what to do, but I hope you can let this go and not interfere with this other person and her mother. The Society is ordering the mother to act less than human, and she isn't letting them make her. She should be praised for standing up to those thugs. It's just a profound pity that your mother isn't doing the same for you. Revenge isn't sweet, it's just hatred. Practice it, and your ex-friend will practice it back at you. If you really want revenge, as the old proverb says, you'd best start by digging two graves.
Robert Frazier
Edited by - robert_v_frazier on 6 August 2002 10:6:25