Braincleaned they changed older men to elders in acts 15
JoinedPosts by SloppyJoe
The new translation of John 17:3 seems like a major shift.
by paul from cleveland inup until now, everlasting life was dependent on "taking in knowledge".
it was a perfect fit for a publishing house to interpret that scripture that way.
if we didn't keep up with the endless stream of publications from the watchtower our salvation would be in jeopardy.
Matthew 24:46
by SloppyJoe inif this is already being discussed i did not see it and just direct me to the proper thread.
in the revised edition they have changed arriving to coming since they changed the doctrine.
anyone notice this?.
If this is already being discussed I did not see it and just direct me to the proper thread. In the revised edition they have changed arriving to coming since they changed the doctrine. Anyone notice this?
Interesting email from a lurker
by Fading Begins ini received an email from a member who is not comfortable posting yet, says for now he just lurks - but he/she made a very interesting comment about the gb giving instructions to the elders about making adjustments.
here is an exact quote: "for all you brothers that have responsibilites giving talks, public talks on the platform, assemblies and convections coming up, you have some work to do.
you are going to have to relook at those scriptures you are using, and make some adjustments in whatever it says from the bible.
Matthew 24 46 has been changed to coincide with the new doctrine of last months watchtower.
agm latest news anyone go?
by Crazyguy inanyone actually go what was said and details on the new release..
Crazy guy I went this morning. The entire meeting was about bibles except the watchtower was a summary. No bum comment made in the context that was said yesterday. I personally missed them saying we don't have to research since we know we have the truth. Every GB spoke and most tried to start with some humor, some we're funny others were not. Losch made a comment that children may be publishers at seven or eight but of course not all are ready. Pierce as the chairman made one announcement that started "and here is the announcement you all have been waiting for" and paused then announced the 2014 text and you could hear laughter and even he smirked a bit. I thought it was funny personally. at my hall when they introduced the bible and started passing it at the Stanley they did not pass it out at my hall. After Jackson's talk and pierce came up he had them stop at the Stanley and then make some announcements. He then said they would play music and pass out the bibles to the remainder of the Stanley. By this time enough time had passed that people in our hall did not think we were getting bibles. When the music startes brothers appeared with boxes and passed them out and there were quite a few gasps and a few tears shed. The remaing gb talks discussed changes and features of the new bible.
one change made to tie in our recent watchtower is Matthew 24:46 happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. this is now changed to happy is that slave if his master on coming finds him doing so.
they changed this so it coincides with Jesus arriving and appointing in 1919 but having a second coming in the future.
by The Searcher incan anyone save me the stress of listening to the self-appointed faithful & discreet slave for 3 hours, and give a clue as to roughly at what point in the proceedings was the derogatory term 'bum witnesses used, and by whom?
i'd really love to extract that comment and send it to a weakening witness, to highlight the judgmental arrogance and name-calling being displayed.. many thanks in advance folks!.
Fading begins is correct my wife and I both listened for the bum comment which losch did not make. Anthony Morris said it in the context provided.
Sometiing interesting from John 1 in rev. NWT
by DS211 inso i think theres quite a bit to take from the agm.
there are many things of interest and no doubt removing mark 16:9-20 and john 5:58-8:11 is going to get serious criticism.
but i noticed in john 1:3 that jesus now created all things.
He meant john 7:58
My interest in this revised NWT
by Doug Mason inthe biases of the earlier iteration of the nwt have been known and discussed from the appearance of the first appearance in 1950, and i assume the revised edition will be affected by the same prejudicial biases.
one can cynically subscribe to the view that this is a financial bonanza and possibly a distraction from the imminent centenary of that distant significant date.. my interest will be to see how the impact of this revision evolves, particularly in the area of the wts's support material and on the impact its release will have on witnesses.
some preliminary thoughts are:.
Acts 15:6 so the apostles and the elders gathered together to look into this matter.
If the big change at the AGM meeting is dropping the literal 144,000...
by slimboyfat inthe best conjecture seems to be that the gb are going to drop the literal 144,000 teaching, especially in view of the december watchtower that pointedly does not mention the 144,000 number.
if they are dropping the literal 144,000 number, but still claim that only a small number are anointed, and can partake, and that only a few are left on earth, then it is fair to ask what has really changed?
they are simply clearing up the embarrassing situation that there were obviously more than 144,000 "anointed" believers from 36 ad until now, and that the number of partakers has been increasing in recent years.
I think the AGM is going to be a major let down for us. Nothing big will come out of it. Sure they will have some new light about something meaningless that is invisible or in the future that most dubs will be in awe over, but it will in the end mean nothing. Maybe next year
What proof do we have? How did we pass the inspection in 1919?
by Quarterback inwith the new light, the governing body apparently passed the master's inspection due to our focus on preaching the kingdom at that time.
we were the only ones doing this according to the july wt re all those changes.. but, were we really doing this in 1918?
i thought it was only the colporteurs.
@Legacy Why would the organization have worldwide publicity? 7 million people belong to a group around the globe. There are over 7 billion people around the globe. That is .1 percent of the world's total population. Who cares what Jehovah's Witnesses are doing. They get plenty of publicity but again, a child molestation case in an organization of 7 million people worldwide or child molestation cases in Catholicsim where there are over 1 billion members worldwide. Which news story is going to draw people's attention? And Jehovah's Witnesses have been exposed for many years, that is why every assembly has talks about not listening to apostates. But again, there are only 7 million of them, in the big picture, people outside the ORG couldn't care less.
Adjustments In Understanding--2013/7/15/Watchtower!
by Atlantis inthis file is being passed around by jehovah's witnesses concerning adjustments in understanding the 2013/7/15/watchtower.
the first draft they prepared had a typing error, and nevada sent the draft back to the jws for correction.
they corrected the typing error and sent it back to nevada.
So my question would be is what is so special about the FDS? They and all the annointed get the same reward. While there is no explanation on how they get appointed over the belongings on earth while they are in heaven, or the fact that they already own and control all of the earthly belongings anyway.