JoinedTopics Started by rondoggy
Amazing is back ... the Wheels of Justice have turned
by Amazing1914 ini am back from underground ... i have more to tell you than you can imagine ...
i cannot use my old screen handle for now, but we are working on that, and it will be restored as soon as simon and i can get it done.
so, simon has allowed me to create a new screen name for the time being.
"Reinstatement Party" Called Off Per The Society
by minimus ina number of weeks ago, i mentioned how my niece was seeking reinstatement.
well, after all was said and done, the elders allowed her back in.
my brother and his wife were giving her a little "coming back" party with about a total of 35 guests.
Militant Apostates
by Rainmakerone ini'm wondering if there are many truly militant apostates out there....... some real god hating watchtower bashing hard guys....i just read the "bill bowen update" thread and feel that all opposition is good opposition, and knowing that the wt society can see any posts we make, also feel its a shame they can see squabbles among their enemies.
If you decided to try a church, which one would you try?and why?
by LyinEyes ini have been thinking of doing something i have wanted to for along time, just to see, that is go to a church.
i guess i am a little afraid , or nervous , more than anything, but i feel i ready to venture out there and see what it is about,,,,,,,,,,,lol, i might not stay , i just want to try it.. i just want to give it a chance and right now i have no reason why i shouldnt if i go in with my eyes open.
i dont know what religion to start with,,,,,,,,, i figure this may be a journey on finding what feels right to me, or it could end up i stay home and do my own worship , who knows.. i know there are many christains on this board and i would be interested in hearing why you choose the faith you did, if it is methodist, catholic, baptist, or other mainstream ones.. i am also interested in other forms of religion some have choosen, and why?
Jobs that the WTS doesn't approve of
by freedom96 inthere were several different careers that the wts did not aprove of.
such as a being a cop, for having a gun.
couldn't be a martial arts instructor.. maybe it was a well paying career.. did you have a job that was not approved of?
Bill Bowen's unfortunate attack
by Jim Penton inlike carl olof jonsson, this is the first time i have ever written to this forum.
i have decided to do so, however, because i am saddened at what bill bowen has chosen to do in reference to ray franz.
let me say that i given bill full marks for publicizing an issue child abuse and the watchtower cover up of it and for taking a stand that has cost him a great deal personally.
Joe Anderson Disfellowshipped
by silentlambs in8-1-02, addition to 7-31-02 press release .
joe anderson-disfellowshipped!
jehovahs witness child advocate.
by Prisila ini really need your feedback .
i am really down on the dumps regarding being shunned and torn apart about da (i haven't yet).
a week ago i wrote to dr. phil on oprah and wrote briefly about jw practices on shunning.
Do you love people more now that you're out?
by writerpen ini was thinking about this the other day.
since i've left the borg, i find myself loving other humans more.
like all the little children being abducted, the miners trapped in the mine last week, the victims of car accidents that i pass on the road, a woman crying in the car next to me while waiting for the green light, the homeless that i see every weekend at a local soup kitchen where i volunteer, etc.