Have You Had Any "Blessings" Since You've Left The Truth?
by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends
What "Truth"??
My biggest blessing has been to differentiate real truth from B.S. mind-control indoctrinated "truth".
I now have three times as many Bible studies, and have doubled my RV's - with a 100 percent increase in WT placements since last month alone. And I have a new peak of meeting attendance.
Yes, many family members that I used to not see very often have welcomed me wholeheartedly to their holiday celebrations and we visit more often and they have been totally understanding and loving. I missed out for so many years......years I could have developed better friendships......but I'm making up for it all now. They have shown true love, unconditional love, and it's so nice to experience.
I have a much more positive energy about me in everything I do, I am healthier and happier. Blessings of the best kind!
I have a beautifyl wife and an amazing baby among other "blessings"
Incidently, I have learned it drives Witnesses CRAZY to hear or see that you are Happy or doing well after leaving the organization, so on those few rare occassions where some witnesses ask me how I am doing (those secretly keeping in touch with me) I always respond "GREAT! Jehovah has really been blessing me!"
that is great fun!
got my forty homey?
I met my wife of 12 years shortly after getting DF'd and Im still with her, she is my best friend and has supported me throughout all my personal demons associated with being raised a JW.
The next blessing is that I drive a 1998 dodge neon! Treat with me respect!!!
God?s blessings are not given just to good people. It?s in the Bible, Matthew 5:45-46, TLB. "For He gives His sunlight to both the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust too. If you love only those who love you, what good is that? Even scoundrels do that much."
I saw no difference.
"Incidentally, I have learned that it drives Witness CRAZY to hear or see that you are Happy or doing well after leaving the organization."
Isn't that the truth! The first time in 20 plus years I'm really happy and at peace with myself. I still have a long way to go, but I'm enjoying the journey.
Last weekend I went to the CA, I had quite a few people come up to me and ask me how I was doing, I said "really great" and that is the truth! A couple of sisters actually came up to me a remarked on how good I looked, and I said "Being an Apostate really agrees with me" just kidding!
Phantom Stranger
Too many to list.
When you do well, it's a shock! Apostates and inactive ones are supposed to be miserable.