This may be a way of them wanting to trump up any charges or accusations against you or to pressure you to come back to the meetings.
Since you are not in a financial position to be out on your own:
Listen politely.
Tell them you appreciate their concern in your spirituality.
Tell them that your schedule does not allow you to
attend meetings on a regular basis.
Do not tell them any of your thoughts on the organization. The minute you do, they will want to
disfellowship you and that will cause problems in
your household with your family and you may find
yourself out on the street with no place to live. The
elders are very wicked and have been wicked in convincing
parents to kick out of their homes disassociated or
disfellowshiped children.
Suggestion: Until you can be out on your own, you may want to maybe once or twice a month just go to the Sunday meetings to keep peace.
Hope this helps.