Best wishes to you, Megan, and Noah.
Take care.
this may not be a forever goodbye, but its certainly a goodbye to this stage of my life because i need to make real progress instead of just talking about it.
i may post the odd post on a rare occasion, but its not part of my plan really.. i posted a topic called the truth, which was originally going to be my farewell to this forum.
i think with my current situation, having a son and having a family that requires my attention it would be wise for me to move on in some shape or form, because i dont want the negativity of the watchtower society to rub off on my son and give him any of the grief and worries i had when i was growing up.
Best wishes to you, Megan, and Noah.
Take care.
i saw it for the first time.
in a very pricy shopping center in an upscale area, these two witnesses couples had a booth, very similar to those for cellphones, and they were trying to attract people to it and passing out magazines and other literature.
after the shock, i got to thinking: .
Years ago in NYC, a sister, last named King, had a booth or table with all types of WT literature set up at Port Authority at 42nd Street in NYC.
I remember her well. Does anyone else remember Sister King?
well i just realised how terrified i look holdin' him, and i was terrified!
didnt want to break the new baby!!
btw havent forgotten other topic, meg and i will look at that later.. megan had a long long labour, the induction took aaaaaaaages but things suddenly sped up at 15:00pm and by 16:45 he was out.
Congrats-the pics are beautiful.
Everything changes have a beautiful new life to take care of.
Do not be overly concerned that Megan was 'nasty' with you. Just remember what she had to go through (labor and all) to bring Noah into this world safely.
Best wishes for you both and Noah.
fiddle with your navigation system and you'll be thrown in the slammer!
don't try to use that mp3 either or you'll have the book thrown at you!
They need to enforce that law here in South Florida and throw the book at anyone talking on their cell phone while driving.
The people down here in South Florida drive like fact they cannot drive..........and even less when talking on their cell phones on I-95 for 30 minutes to two hours; non-stop.
Unbelievable the number of accidents, deaths, injuries, etc down here by these lackluster , stupid drivers. 85% of them cannot speak or read english and are allowed to get drivers' licenses and get on the road.
It is downright scary to drive here.
18 year old son that insists on breaking your pills?.
my son has turned "break daddy's nuts" into overdrive.. why?.
because i told him to put mirrors on his motorcycle.. two days of $hit and brimstone from him.
Talk to his mother about the situation and if need be, ask a sympathic law enforcement person to intercede.
His actions are not only disrespectful and disobedient, but dangerous for your daughters.
see the bottom 2/3rds or so of the page at the next link:.
This was so much fun.................
when you think of a parent who has a misbehaved child.
it is normal as they grow to feel they "know better than their parent.
does a good parent continue to let the child make bad choices and say " since you think you know it all lets just let you continue and see who's right?".
All I can say is that my daughter (not a JW) but has started reading the My Book of Bible Stories publication to our grandsons, ages 2 and 5 was reading to them a couple of weeks ago and interjected that God says and want's children to be obedient to their parents.
Our 2 year old grandson than aptly asked: when did God tell you that mommy?
Well needless to say when she told me this I could not help but laugh. You see, my 2 year old grandson does not take anything on 'face value". He is definitely the 'doubting Thomas' and must have everything proved to him. Because he is definitely going through the 'terrible twos' he has no intention of being good or obedient all the time and wanted to actually know when God told my daughter this command.
Children as so smart...........................
listen and enjoy!.
Watching the 3 tenors in TV back in the 1990's was fantastic.
well, this weekend, i went on an outing with the wife to see the sights.
we went up to austin, georgetown, and then across to lampassas - where i filled up with fuel at a local station.. on the way to the hotel we were staying at, a pimple-faced kid in a honda pulls up alongside me, and gives me this 'staredown' look.
very serious this kiddo.
I get your's just I worry about how our young people have no sense of the fear of losing their lives when they do drag race.
I'm glad you were responsible and I did not mean to offend you or your wife.
i've tried to be nice about it, perhaps i'm just a little too nice when dealing with her.
ok, my ex-fiancee started blowing up my phone again and leaving voicemails.
i considered changing my number weeks ago but changed my mind when her calls stopped but i might need to consider it now.
It's time to be proactive:
1) File a harassement charge against her and get a restraining order that includes she is not to call you.
2) Go to the Elders and let them know you have filed a harassment charge and requested a retraining order against her.
3) Let her know you have taken these steps.