That is such great news!!
with the shit going down on this board as of late i'd like to post something really good that happened to me lately.
i got my brother jw brother back.
back in 2001 of this same month i posted about letting jw relatives go because i got tired of the pain of hoping those relationships would be restored when it seemed impossible.
That is such great news!!
well i was sitting here about 1 hour ago, surfing the net, and the doorbell rang.
that in itself is freaky enough, considering it was early in the morning,and as we have had alot of car burlaries here at the apartment complex, and i thought that maybe my car was hit and someone was here to tell me about it.. .
i asked who it was and he said "it's your neighbor", so i reluctantly opened the door ever so slowly and there was this young white guy in his 20's.
You were right to be careful.
This past Thursday, I was home alone and on the phone with my brother from NY (I live in FL). I noticed a red car pull up in my driveway, a man get out of the car and proceed to knock on my door.
Whenever I am home alone, I do not answer the door for anyone if I do not know them or not expecting a visit.(If someone is in danger, I wouild be able to tell when I look out the windows). While I was on the phone, I told my brother some strange man was at the door and I kept very quite and acted like noone was at home. I stayed on the phone with my brother until he left. Eventually he left.
I called my husband and we agreed I took the correct action. (Here is South Florida people are very violent and killing persons like 'drinking water'. There are many house break-ins, rapes, and murders of innocent persons. So I was not taking any chances.)
Fast forward to yesterday, Friday, when my husband and I were both home in the evening. This same man pulled up and knocked on the door. This time my husband answered and found out what he wanted. He had noticed that we had an old refrigerator from the landlord in the back yard and wanted to know if we were willing to sell it to him. We let him know it did not belong to us but we would ask the landlord and he could return next week for an answer.
His intentions were ok.....but it is still better to err on the side of judgement and be very careful, especially women at home alone when answering the door.
this is his request, not mine!
i've warned him that jwd will give a wide range of responses from the silly, through the angry, to the serious.
he still would like to hear what you have to suggest.
Good Morning. It nice to find you at home today.
I realize you may be busy so I would just like to leave you a copy of our latest WT. Once you have had a chance to read it, please take two Advil and call your medical or mental health professional.
Have a great day.
this is just something that really peed me off regarding the elders, is how low they are sinking to get gossip and stuff now, i was in contact with a well trusted friend of mine who used to attend meetings up until 2 years ago, his wife is still in the jw org, he was having a joke around on some text messages with me regarding my man saying "try before you buy" and so on, which i found amusing....lets just say his wife didnt...she snooped on his phone, wrote out the texts he had sent me and gave the transcript to the elders, and now he has to go before a judicial commitee.
how wrong is that, for a start its an invasion of privacy!
i was fuming yesterday when i found out.
I agree with Beroean.
I think it's a matter of respect for your mate, regardless of your sexual preference.
I would never text or e-mail another man and talk about sex. I feel I would be disrespecting myself and my husband.
If he feels the need to do that, than just divorce his wife and be free to act in such a way.
On the other hand, I do not agree with his wife's actions. I would have confronted him privately and not spread my business to the elders.
They are just looking for anything to have a committee meeting about.....................
Just my opinion.
a british museum has canceled a lecture by dr. james watson, co-discoverer of the dna double helix, after he claimed black people are less intelligent than whites in a recent newspaper interview.. watson, who won the 1962 nobel prize for his part in discovering the structure of dna, provoked a storm of criticism after his comments were published in the sunday times.. the eminent biologist told the british newspaper he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours -- whereas all the testing says not really.".
watson, 79, had been due to give a lecture at london's science museum on friday but the museum canceled his appearance, saying his comments had "gone beyond the point of acceptable debate.".
Intelligence is not measured by the color of one's skin or demographic upbringing, but by :
Thus any race can have intelligence and/or be more intelligent than others.
He is an idiot..................
we've already had a post on this, but there were other interesting comments.. the brother giving the announcements said that there would be a new understanding of jesus' reference to the generation as discussed at the annual meeting.. an elder giving a service meeting part review of different watchtower articles from the current year brought out the new light concerning 1935.. he asks: "when is the sealing of the anounted ones?".
elder answers: "there is no specific date".
later after the meeting, i asked an elder if the new understanding of the remnant now meant that younger people could go to heaven.. he answered with an affirmative "yes" and that we would be getting the new understanding of the generation jesus spoke of in a future 2008 watchtower.. .
So funny...........thanks for the laugh.
i don't hate the people.
i feel bad for many of them.
i don't like the religion because it is a cult.
No, of course not. I was once an active JW.
What I hate is the lies and deceitful teachings and how families have been torn apart because of the false teachings.
I still have many family members that are JW's, so I certainly cannot hate them.
I just hope they come to their senses soon...........and it may be these new changes again that will make them see the truth.
This is so funny............thanks for the laugh today..................
we've already had a post on this, but there were other interesting comments.. the brother giving the announcements said that there would be a new understanding of jesus' reference to the generation as discussed at the annual meeting.. an elder giving a service meeting part review of different watchtower articles from the current year brought out the new light concerning 1935.. he asks: "when is the sealing of the anounted ones?".
elder answers: "there is no specific date".
later after the meeting, i asked an elder if the new understanding of the remnant now meant that younger people could go to heaven.. he answered with an affirmative "yes" and that we would be getting the new understanding of the generation jesus spoke of in a future 2008 watchtower.. .
These constant 'new announcements", "new light", and "new understandingd" are so ridiculous.
I think the best thing to do if one believes in the Bible as being from Almightly God is to read and understand on our own as best as possible.
This cult activity by the WT Society and their constantly changing doctrines, etc has just made me sick to my stomach.
What a treat to see how he is doing and that he is alive and well, even though aging.
He has done so much for us in revealing the real 'truth' and and 'setting us free'.
Thanks for sharing this video.