I'm glad you have the benefit in the U.K.- not so in the US.
i am now employed with a private mortgage company,which is one of the largest providers of fha government insured loans in the states of california, colorado, florida, georgia, indiana, new mexico, maryland, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, south carolina, south dakota, and tennessee.. we offer fha government sponsored loans, 30 year fixed rates currently at 6.5-6.7 percent or lower with no prepayment penalties and the loans are not tied to your credit score.
so persons can have credit scores in the low 500s or 600's and of course 700s.
if approved, persons can use the loans to refinance, reduce their high interest rates, reduce their monthly payments, or for new purchases with as little as 2.5% down.. the up-front fha requirements are:.
I'm glad you have the benefit in the U.K.- not so in the US.
i am now employed with a private mortgage company,which is one of the largest providers of fha government insured loans in the states of california, colorado, florida, georgia, indiana, new mexico, maryland, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, south carolina, south dakota, and tennessee.. we offer fha government sponsored loans, 30 year fixed rates currently at 6.5-6.7 percent or lower with no prepayment penalties and the loans are not tied to your credit score.
so persons can have credit scores in the low 500s or 600's and of course 700s.
if approved, persons can use the loans to refinance, reduce their high interest rates, reduce their monthly payments, or for new purchases with as little as 2.5% down.. the up-front fha requirements are:.
I am now employed with a private mortgage company,which is one of the largest providers of FHA Government Insured Loans in the states of California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, New Mexico, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Tennessee.
We offer FHA Government Sponsored Loans, 30 year fixed rates currently at 6.5-6.7 percent or lower with no prepayment penalties and the loans are not tied to your credit score. So persons can have credit scores in the low 500s or 600's and of course 700s. If approved, persons can use the loans to refinance, reduce their high interest rates, reduce their monthly payments, or for new purchases with as little as 2.5% down.
The up-front FHA requirements are:
No more than 1 mortgage late in the last year. Must be in the house for a year, must be a primary residence. Must have documented income (W2 or 1099). No bankruptcy in the last two years (filed). Must be a primary home.
Because many of the sub-prime lenders have now gone out of business, FHA lenders are especially trying to help persons with sub-prime high interest rate mortgages and persons that have the ARM (adjustable rate mortgages) that will soon find themselves in the next year paying double monthly payments. This is why many persons are loosing their homes in foreclosures. We also do conventional loans.
If anyone may be in need of a loan to refinance to lower their monthly payments or interest rate, refinance to get out of an ARM (adjustable rate mortgage) loan, refinance no cash-out, refinance including cash-out, please PM me and I will give you further information. If anyone lives in a state not mentioned above, just PM me anyway and I will give you tips on what you can do.
Whatever you chose to do, do not accept an interest only loan. You will never build up any equity in your home and your monthly payments will be wasted.
it's a start.. hopefully they'll start scrutinizing all religions finances.
if there's nothing to hide there's no reason not to make it all public.. .
I do not see how the WTS could pass the test of being purely non-for-profit when they put so much of the contributions and donations monies into various investments, which ultimately make profits.
when i realized the truth, i was mad.
really mad!!!
and started to blame those crazy jws, i said things like the jws are this, the jws are that, and i hate them!
The problem is that when the JW's are told by other JW's the real truth about the WTS, many refuse to listen, accuse others of being apostates, deliberately cause emotional hurt on their family members by shunning, DF, etc. In turn, these actions leads to marraige and family breakups and breakdowns.
It is when these things take place that the JW's and the WTS become interchangeble, and both are blamed.
I have many family members that I love who are still active Dubs. But they have refused to listen to those of us who realize the real truth about the WTS and subsequently have shunned us and caused family and emotional hurt. They would rather listen and be controlled by the WTS. As much as I love those family members, I can with a clean conscience lop them together with the WTS and blame both.
Once you have told an active JW the real truth about what is and has been going on within the WTS and they refuse to listen, etc.- they have become interchangeble with the WTS wrongdoings and sins.
Case closed.
Just my opinion.
not that i want to or anything, but this therapist guy seems to think that it would be really helpful to my wife.
he says to pull out the good and ignore what you dont like, and that supporting my wife a bit in this way could be good for us as a couple.
it could also let us have at least some shot at keeping the old social life alive.
I agree. I was the first the be against the things going on in the cong and org. My husband knew my concerns and feelings, but we still went to the meetings and assemblies together.
Eventually my husband saw the real org for what it was and decided it wasn't for him also. He removed himself as a MS, we both removed ourselves from working on the quick build committes, stopped field service and aux pioneering. So now we are both actually faders and out and only sometimes go to the meetings and an occassional assembly day just to keep informed.
No harm done.
my awesome pre-teen girls are the best kids in the world.
and they were spanked!.
did he do it because he's a fifth-generation jw?.
My mother is from the South and we children got beat on occassion with belts, ironing cords, switches.
Not one of us hates our mother or our late father. Not one of us has ever been in jail or criminal activity.
Beatings do not resolve all discipline problems, but we learned respect for elders and authority and that we were to treat persons with dignity and kindness. Not to steal or lie, etc. And we certainly learned to watch our mouths and speak properly at a young age- not cursing and vulgar language.
well it happened.
my son got a response back from his paranoid witness mother.
as nice as he was , she couldn't help but try to make him feel guilty !
Your son did an excellent job in responding to his mother and your ex-wife.
Unfortunately, she has 'drank the kool-aid' and probably will not change her views.
she's gone back into the hospital again, complaining of her symptoms worsening (they said get in if that happens) so a long couple of days turns into what is going to be a nightmare week, hopefully she gets out tomorrow.
i'm alright but things are difficult without real support.
megans mum is a clown, megans stupid brother tried messing with meg's mums head by asking if she was sure if i didnt push megan off the ladders (good job he lives in ireland) - then she has the cheek to tell me today he asked after megan, who hates him for the abuse she suffered (sexual unfortunately) when she was just 12 and he was 18. my mum and stepdad are being as helpful as they can, but when your alone at night with a crying baby and your stressed out about everything from moving, megans health, your own and financial situation it does make you realise just what the wife/mum has to manage.
Sorry to hear she's back in the hospital, but it is better where they can monitor her symptoms, etc.
This is a rough week for you both and baby-please hang in there.
Hoping Megan recovers soon.
not that i want to or anything, but this therapist guy seems to think that it would be really helpful to my wife.
he says to pull out the good and ignore what you dont like, and that supporting my wife a bit in this way could be good for us as a couple.
it could also let us have at least some shot at keeping the old social life alive.
My husband and I go once or twice a month.
It doesn't hurt or bother us because we know the real deal with the org.
We take what we hear from the platform with a 'grain of salt'.
The Bible will never change. So sitting in a meeting reading the scriptures will not hurt.
so, my 22 year old son called me this morning and said his witness mom, my ex, sent him this website link-,2933,313683,00.html .
it is an artcicle about a 14 year old witness boy with leukemia who died because of refusing a blood transfusion.
doctors said he would have had a 70 % chance of surviving to live a normal life if he had accepted blood.
What an excellent witness to his mom.
Your son told the truth in such a loving and tactful manner.