Topics Started by Rosco
Quality Inn Suites, Noblesville Indiana
by Rosco instaying here on an over night business trip.
opened my drawer nwt bible i fell out of my bed.
called the front desk they are in every room here.. i will never stay at another quality inn even though they are owned individually.
Body Building
by ball. inas some of you know, i lost 5 stone on my own diet and have now been the same weight for a year.
i have just joined a gym to build my muscle back up.
i was wondering if anyone here knows anything about muscle supplements.
Which Bible Translation is Currently the MOST Accurate in Your Opinion?
by Frannie Banannie ini really wanna know.
i need the most accurate version to refer to in order to continue a project i'm working on.
frannie b
Proof of adultery to get scriptural freedom
by scrubmaster ini am in a situation where my ex-wife left me.
i had survellaince done on her place by two members of my family.
this was done over a several month time frame.
Television Show Mentions Watchtower, USA
by Rosco ini watched the first 10 minutes of a television show here in the usa called the guardian a couple nights ago.
the show started with a scene of a girl in the hospital.
a man enters her room and it seems to be a friendly encounter between the two, he hands her a magazine.
Jesus and the two criminals dying beside him.....
by sandy ini have been watching a couple of the movies retelling the life of christ and i was wondering about the words jesus said to the criminal who asked him to remember him.. the king james version reads: and jesus said unto him, "verily i say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise" luke 23:43. the new world translation reads: and he said to him "truly i tell you today, you will be with me in paradise.
" luke 23:43. the movie i was watching quoted or at least was closer to the king james version.
maybe i am wrong but the same scriptures seem to imply two different things.
A Question for all those who DO live in the US...or anyone else
by Xena incause unlike some...i value all opinions..even when they don't agree with me .
so tell me please often do you and your friends sit around saying this: "what other country would you rather live in?
stated of course in this manner: the question is stated in such a fashion as to say that nothing is better than living in the good 'ol us of a.
by DevonMcBride in
.. scroll down to coughlin v. jehovah's witness and watchtower bible and tract society of new york.
joel's practice includes products liability, employer liability, civil rights, automobile accidents, air crash cases, commercial litigation and claims against insurance companies.