I'll credit Obama for not being part of the Chicago Democratic machine.
You're joking, right??
he was trying to sell obama's seat plus a bunch of other shakedown schemes using his union contacts and control of state funding.
he was trying to sell obama's seat plus a bunch of other shakedown schemes using his union contacts and control of state funding.
So if this sticks, the governorship will go Republican (Quinn is Republican), and since the Governor selects the Senator in the case of a vacancy, it is possible that the Senate seat will go Republican too
Quinn is a Democrat and a good guy. He's been trying to get the Governor to resign for some time now. Also, I do believe that if the Illinois house votes to remove the governor from office, they also have to remove the lt. gov, not 100% sure but i believe i heard that.
Obviously Quinn would prefor if the Gov. resigned.
he was trying to sell obama's seat plus a bunch of other shakedown schemes using his union contacts and control of state funding.
What a load of crap...MORE Obama bashing!
It's Illinois politician bashing - the last governor of Illinois (George Ryan) was a Republican and he's sitting in Fereral prison. I hope he rots there. Oh, but wiat, after serving only one year of a six year sentence, Sen. Dick Durbin is asking Bush to pardon him.
Like the FBI special agent who led the investigation of our current governor said - Illinois is the most corrupt state in the union.
Personally, I would be shocked if Obama did something on the level that Bloygoavich did, however, I cannot see how anyone can rise through the racks here in Illinios, esp. Chicago, and not have to do something under the table. Just not ppssible, and I hate to say it, the current Gov. is going to sing like a bird about Obama.
he was trying to sell obama's seat plus a bunch of other shakedown schemes using his union contacts and control of state funding.
we should start worrying about this in the uk as the taser gun is being used as an instrument of torture against non violent people already in the usa, the land of the 'very unfree' and our own government plans to arm 10,000 police officers with this self same instrument of torture.. someone tell me that the lunatics are not running the asylum!.
if anything....this proves it.. i know there are other people such as myself with hidden heart conditions who would die immeadiately is one of these were ever used on them.. what's going on in this crazy world?.
lol Roy,
I love Chris Rock!!
and he tells it like it is. Even when I was a JW going door-to-door and the police would stop us, if you were polite there was almost never a problem. But sometimes there was that JW who thought he was an ACLU lawyer and would start arguing with the police about something. That's when the trouble would start.
we should start worrying about this in the uk as the taser gun is being used as an instrument of torture against non violent people already in the usa, the land of the 'very unfree' and our own government plans to arm 10,000 police officers with this self same instrument of torture.. someone tell me that the lunatics are not running the asylum!.
if anything....this proves it.. i know there are other people such as myself with hidden heart conditions who would die immeadiately is one of these were ever used on them.. what's going on in this crazy world?.
recently at the beach house with my df studly son...a carload of young jw's in service drove by and saw us...old friends of his/me...they turned around and stopped...hugs and all!...i loved them treating him so human.
most dubs now hate to shun...esp.
their own family and there is less and less of it...my own mom will not shun my son, but dad will...she just told me she has no prob treating my son as just her normal grandson because she believe no kids should be allowed to be baptised!....i love you mom!
the new york times saturday, july 4, 2009. .
troops to return immediately.
by jude shinbin.
Um..hello? Obama voted to re-enact the Patriot Act (along with almost all of his Democrat buddies). So easy to slam Bush and the GOP and say things like "I'd repeal the Patriot Act blah blah.." but then get cold feet when it comes up for a vote.
So maybe the headline should read "OBAMA REPEALS LAW HE PREVIOUSLY VOTED FOR"
witnessing in hondorus, where the need is greater!!!!.
just got this in email, thought i would share.. .
if you have never served out of this country or spent any time preaching in another country, you may have certain ideas of how a c.o.
behaves and talks and acts.
what is the youngest c.o.