Jeez, I wouldn't even know where to begin. Near the house I grew up in, there was a forest with a qwarry near by. Summer time activities always included fireworks, home made cannons, dirt bikes, gasoline, bb guns, jumping off cliffs, aresol flame throwers, etc,,,etc,,.. Sometimes the activity included all of these items. Once another boy, and I do mean boy, from the kingdom hall somehow manged to drive an old car back there and we spent the day flying around the woods and hanging out of the car windows. Looking back I am amazed that no one was seriously hurt. My parents had no idea what we were doing in the woods. I still remember my mom once my mom going downstairs to the pantry and couldn't understand why all the cans of soup were gone. She must have thought her two Beavis and Butthead sons just loved soup. Little did she realize that her Campbell soup collection was turned into artillary.
Well, at least all of that made me a more understanding father. Whenever my teenage son gets in trouble and his mom is ready to strangle him, I think to myself "sheesh, that's ALL that he did".