Roy, This is a serious question as I have not followed your posts, but were you not once a fierce defender of the Bush Administration and its Iraqi adventure, or am I getting you mixed up with someone else?
Best regards - HS
From day one I was / am a supporter of the war but not solely based on the WMD search. UN mandates, shooting at US war planes, bringing stability to the region, threats of developing WMD, etc.. I also believed that the people of Iraq would move toward a democratic government and I believe the high voter turnout is evidence that they would have. However, thanks to a poorly planned occupation and influence of Iran, this will not come about.
From the beginning I stated that a military cannot build a nation. They're not police officers, they're not diplomates. US forces should have been in and out within a year. I also said from the beginning that a huge military presense was / is needed. Basically, Iraq needed to be on lockdown. Its too late now. Just as Israel learned the hard way in south Lebannon, a small group of determined people can hold off a larger military force when things are poorly planned. At this point it doesn't seem to me that anyone in Iraq is willing to stand up and lead. The people of Iraq don't seem to want what we're willing to offer them. Iraq should be divded up into three sections, oil revenue split among them. Violence will drop and we can make plans to bring troops home. Option two, put a Saddam clone in charge,
Impeach Bush? Put him on trial? Sure but next to him I want to see Bill Clinton and his cabinet for stating over and over again that Saddam had WMD. I also want to see all the congressmen who voted for the war also on trial esp. the members of the Senate Intelligence comittee. But seriously, Bush will go down in history as making the biggest military blunders in US history.
And if anyone does want to see an investigation, I'd like to see the big companies making billions on thiswar investigated.
One last point. I do agree with Simon and his comment about Amercians not conserving gas. One has to imagine if we spent the billions on conservation technology and tax incentives, instead of a war, we'd probably do more to damage those who finance terrorism.