Is the Society violating the 3rd commandment by naming the street of theuir branch on Guam "Jehovah Street"?
3 | “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. |
is the society violating the 3rd commandment by naming the street of theuir branch on guam "jehovah street"?.
3you shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain, for the lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.
Is the Society violating the 3rd commandment by naming the street of theuir branch on Guam "Jehovah Street"?
3 | “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. |
since leaving the jw's did you actively seek out another organisation, or did it find you?.
have you found yourself apathetic to all religions?.
Hey wee,
Yes and no. I'm still a Christian, and meet with a Bible study group. The original Bible Students from the days of Pastor Russell and the IBSA. There is no central headquarters, so no one to dictate to us to obey "mother." Just an international loosely associated group ofr people who have the same goals in serving God.
Some will say I jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire, and while we're not perfect, we try. I should note that Ileft the Witnesses for the Bible Students, so I wasn't kicked out and found myself searching!
i had a frank discussion with my parents yesterday that ended up in the cul-de-sac of "how did the organisation start?
" i told them that all they need to know about the origins of the org are in the proclaimers book, of how chuck started his own religion, or how he got his ideas from the adventists and a lovely fellow called barbour and how chuck preached that christ had returned in 1874 and that the last days had started in 1799.. my parents were unwilling to accept this, so i said, "read your proclaimers book!
y'know what my mum's answer to that was?.
So let me get this straight, because it's an "old book", the historical part of how the Watchtower was formed is old light? Irrelevant? Is a new history book going to be publish having the JW organization start in 1931? How absurd!!!!
i have my jw bible but also have the good news bible that was used at the lutheran church i went to for about 8 yrs back in the 80's.. one (jw)is hard to read and understand some of the books and the (good news)other is to easy and leaves somethings out, well the jw one does to.. .
I have dozens on my shelf for references, I may eventually get rid of them since they're all online anyways.
The translation I read and study out of is the NKJV.
no, not "brother rolando" but "brother rando".
ever hear of him?
i stumbled upon the website, where "brother rando" is an expert on everything jehovah's witness.. i looked up his profile and this is what i found:.
No, NOT "Brother Rolando" but "Brother Rando". Ever hear of him? I stumbled upon the website, where "Brother Rando" is an expert on everything Jehovah's Witness.
I looked up his profile and this is what I found:
Expert Profile: Brother Rando
Experience in the areaI am a baptized Jehovah's Witness bearing Witness to "The Truth" for decades now and will gladly answer questions from sheep like one's. The wolves I will pummel and continue to Conquer, for the One that Conquers is given the morning star! (Rev 2:28)
I am property of the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" that Jesus, my brother, has appointed over his belongings in the Last Days. This Slave is Jehovah's Earthly Organization known Worldwide as "Jehovah's Witnesses". When the Worldly organizations act against God's chosen people who are now "Spiritual Jews", Jehovah will slaughter those who are touching the pupils of his eyes. Amen.
Extensive Study of Religions and the Scriptures I am able to answer questions few people know about or can even answer. Many of my fellow brothers and sisters are given Insight as they learn from the True God Jehovah, who is the "Revealer Of Secrets." I am Nothing but a fellow messenger who slaves for His Master. I am NOT an EXPERT, I know "the truth" and that "the truth" is my brother and I do what "my brother" wants of me. As for the World, it Hates me as the World hated my brother before me. Amen.
I just loved the "I am property of the "Faithful and Discreet Slave""
seven years ago i first discovered jwd.
i found this site through links at
at the time i was attending meeting and miserable with the progress of a fade that was going no where.
Hah! beat you by a year ... eight years for me
so jehovah's witnesses came to our door, this is about the fifth time, i always miss them, but they talk to my wife, this time i was home due to the holiday season, the man was an elder, he came with a newbie, thought he would show her "how's its done"), the young women sat there with mouth wide open, as she watched me beat up her elder with his own bible.
well after discussing the scriptures for about 2 hours, (subjects included: salvation, ransom, permission of evil, god's organization), she looked at me and said "amazing, i've never heard it explained quite that way before.".
the elder asked me what religious affiliations i had, i told him, "i am with the associated bible students.
Hi Leo, years ago I had heard that Russell used the term LHMM, but had no proof, then later I found it. In the Watch Tower of his day, there is mentioned of the Layman's Home Missionary Movement in connection to conventions. When the Society advertised convention, those who were interested in attending had to:
"... advise us promptly for what days, how many are to constitute your party, and color and sex. Address all requests and information to Laymens Home Missionary Movement, Asheville, North Carolina." R5278
Later I found old newspaper advertisements for public discourses given by various Bible Students under the auspices of the Laymen's Home Missionary Movement, this was before 1916. Also I have several copies of "Everybody's Paper" that was published by the LHMM.
so jehovah's witnesses came to our door, this is about the fifth time, i always miss them, but they talk to my wife, this time i was home due to the holiday season, the man was an elder, he came with a newbie, thought he would show her "how's its done"), the young women sat there with mouth wide open, as she watched me beat up her elder with his own bible.
well after discussing the scriptures for about 2 hours, (subjects included: salvation, ransom, permission of evil, god's organization), she looked at me and said "amazing, i've never heard it explained quite that way before.".
the elder asked me what religious affiliations i had, i told him, "i am with the associated bible students.
Hey drew, when I moved to New Jersey, I remember going to a gathering, a bunch of us got into a car driven by a young elder, I don't remember why, but we were driving around and we cross these railroad tracks and the elder yelled "Look, the headquarters of the Evil Slave Class". I had no idea what he was talking about and didn't see anything as he was driving fast. 5 years later I would walk into that building and never be the same. The headquarters would be the offices of the Dawn Bible Students Association.
I agree with you, we are such a small and insignificant group, one would wonder why they would spend so much time and energy demonizing us. Although many JW's have been looking into the Bible Students.
so jehovah's witnesses came to our door, this is about the fifth time, i always miss them, but they talk to my wife, this time i was home due to the holiday season, the man was an elder, he came with a newbie, thought he would show her "how's its done"), the young women sat there with mouth wide open, as she watched me beat up her elder with his own bible.
well after discussing the scriptures for about 2 hours, (subjects included: salvation, ransom, permission of evil, god's organization), she looked at me and said "amazing, i've never heard it explained quite that way before.".
the elder asked me what religious affiliations i had, i told him, "i am with the associated bible students.
I think one of the funniest experiences I had was one Saturday, I got out on the road pretty early because it was a light day for mail, add to the fact that we started an hour early. It was about 1 pm when I delivered to an elders house, apparentlt they had just returned from service and decided to have some snacks and frllowship because his driveway was full and there were cards all over the place. It was a warm day and the front door was open, as I passed by and crossed the street, I felt like someone was watching me and as I took a glanced, about a dozen JW's were standing outside teh door and window staring at me ... I laughed as i could imagaine what they were saying:
"so that's what they look like eh?"
"Kids, stay away from him, he's evil"
"The mailman mommy?"
"No, the evil slave"
"Why are they evil daddy?"
"because they left Jehovah's so they can celebrate birthdays and Christmas, and do the pyramid dance"
so jehovah's witnesses came to our door, this is about the fifth time, i always miss them, but they talk to my wife, this time i was home due to the holiday season, the man was an elder, he came with a newbie, thought he would show her "how's its done"), the young women sat there with mouth wide open, as she watched me beat up her elder with his own bible.
well after discussing the scriptures for about 2 hours, (subjects included: salvation, ransom, permission of evil, god's organization), she looked at me and said "amazing, i've never heard it explained quite that way before.".
the elder asked me what religious affiliations i had, i told him, "i am with the associated bible students.
Minimus aske: What is involved in being "deonized"?
Sorry that was a typo, I left out the "m", it should be demonized.