C'mon Randy, I like the Restore Church of God, and I love David C. Pack, don't agree with him, but love to listen to him. Don't ask me why ... LOL
Posts by RR
Restored Worldwide Church of God - Watchtower in 12 years
by Dogpatch inthis is the watchtower media dept.
in 12 years, after they lose their minds and start killing their members.. then splinter sects will form, based on the degree of corporate punishment each sect believes in.. some will still kill their errant children.. others will believe in spanking and forcing all meeting attendance,.
and finally, there will be those, prodded by the holy spirit, who renounce all physical contact with other people, preferring punishment by various eye signals.
What about the Russellites?
by Roddy ini was wondering about the russellites recently.
you remember -- these were the russell puritans who refused to submit to judge rutherford's new direction and/or centralization of authority into the watchtower organization.. in spite of judge rutherford's cursings, they continue down to this day.
they seem to be free of scandals.
The Bible Students are not without their problems. While the Society squelches the very same freedoms they fight, too much freedom can also be a problem.
Allowing everyone to have their opinions and believe and teach what they want causes confusion and promotes a spirit of babylon.
With that said, despite our doctrinal differences, Bible Students enjoy each others company. The Bible Students are broken up into little groupings, so you'll have liberal, conservatives and those in-between.
So you may have to bounce around until you found a class that is comfortable. I myself am conservative, although I have meet with all kinds of Bible Students.
I would like know how you first found this site, and what was your first experience on here like?
by BonaFide inmy experience?
in the past few years, i liked to research stuff on the internet for talks.
and for experiences, i used to google jw's to see news articles.. then one day last year, i saw this site, and it said that it discusses anything related to jw's.
I'm probably one of the "oldest" posters here, by "oldest" I mean one of the original, first.
We were on Obed's Witnesses.net site, which was originally a pro JW site, but as the years went on, it became more of place to talk about everything JW.
As he tried to maintain control, moderators were leaving or getting kicked out. New Forums were being created, Simon starts JW.com and eventually wit.net closed its doors.
The New Star Trek....
by Quentin interry sent this to me this morning...... .
imagine being given the opportunity to reboot an old and beloved tv series with an uneven history of spotty films which pretty much had run its course.. j.j.abrams did what only a one in a million director could do: he knocked the ball out of the park!.
this film is outrageous fun!.
We saw it, my wife loved it!
I enjoyed life as a JW
by Luo bou to inlife was comfortable familiar sense of belonging.. brotherhood..direction..meaning..save the world etc.
so why don't i go back?
i don't trust mother(org )any more.. she is a cruel egocentric lying bitch incapable of loving anyone but herself.
I guess that was the difference between you and Wizard, ... I have a problem with authority. I kept all my books, all my music. In fact me and a few bethelites listened to Heavy Metal regularly, even went to a few concerts. If I didn't listen to my fleshly mother, why would I listen to Mother Borg?
I don't regret being a JW, and I certainly don't regret leaving either. It was an experience to say the least!
Do you want your publisher cards? Do you need a congregation "secretary" to request them? I can do it
by BonaFide ini think someone else mentioned this before, but i am interested in providing some practical help to those on this board.
many of you have helped me, and i see a lot of good will on here.. some here seem to need to move to another congregation to "fade.
" or they might be in a judicial situation.. can i help?
Doesn't matter, Bethel has a copy of everything!
Jehovah Street
by RR inis the society violating the 3rd commandment by naming the street of theuir branch on guam "jehovah street"?.
3you shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain, for the lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.
This has nothing to do with doing research, it was a simple question. I picked up a letter yesterday from a JW customer and the address was Jehovah Street in Guam.
As to the authorities naming the street, this is not always true. I know a developer who built a community of homes and names all the streets after his children and family members.
by whereami ini posted this on another thread.
this guy claims to know the real truth about russell, http://pastorrussell.blogspot.com/ just another jw apologist.
he refutes the information about russell being a adulterer.
The site is sun by a JW from Colorado. EVERYTHING he posts is cut and pasted from Watchtower publications.
Bible Student Sister Cora Sumdbom's Story from 1962 about early days of WT and Dawn split
by steve2 inwhat an affectionate account - her warmish memories about "brother russell" stand out.
she was totally wrapped up in the organization.
i note the routine manner in which she recounts christmas at bethel and buying a christmas present for russell (a comfortable chair).
Back in the 1960s and 70s, several Bible Students travelled cross country visiting old timers and recording their accounts and experiences. The result was 1000s of hours of audio and video. Sr. Cora was just one of these.
What Did You Do With All Your Watchtower Publications?
by minimus ini needed room when i moved so i sadly threw my entire library away.
i mentioned this to an exjw.
he and his wife took all the hundreds of books, including bound volumes from the 1800s and are now using them for research and proof of watchtower lies.. what did you do with your books?.
I kept them ALL, I have alarge room in the basement, which is wall to wall bookcases. I have been scanning the books and saving them as pdf, once I do that I ebay the originals.