Jehovah has NEVER dealth with an organization, he HAS, however dealt with individuals.
If by chance these individuals get organized for any given purpose, it is simply for that ... a purpose, NOT, however for claiming for themselves things not given to them.
It is myself that Jehovah has had faithful servant[s] on the earth, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, the prophets, Although he did deal with Israel as a nation, it was only because of a promise he made to Jacob and his forefathers, a promise he cannot rescind. Today the highest order is within the congregation, still, God deals with the individuals of these congregations AS individuals and not collectively.
One must always keep in mind that no matter how braggy the Society is, or all the claims they make, no matter how many hours you do in service, literature placed, studies conducted, meetings attended, converts made, the Society can NOT give you everlasting life. That is only by Jesus.
Tus association with the Society is NOT a means of everlasting life ... it is through Christ Jesus , through our personal relationship with HJim that we gain salvation, not through manmade organizations.
"People in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"