I recall having a conversation with a Witness about all the changes it went something like this:
RR: What about all the chnages?
JW: The light was getting brighter
RR: What if one day you opened you Watchtower and there was an article supporting the trinity doctrine what would you do?
JW: Then Jehovah has corrected our view of the nature of God, he always corrects his people with new light.
RR: YOu mean you would accept it after all these years of being told the trinity was false and pagan?
JW: Yes, Jehovah works through his faithful and discreet slave class.
RR: And what if the Society began teaching orthodoxy?
JW: Then that too is of Jehovah, correcting his people!
RR: So ... what would be so special about the Society, if they taught the same things as Christendom, what would happen to "Jehovah's Organization" if they teach like everyone else?
JW: <pausing for a moment> Two things, our worldwide brotherhood and the preaching work!
I just shook my head in disbelief and ended it there! Now I realized that this is extreme, but I have met many who believe this way.
Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same night.