They are very prolific and I would be willing to trade some for a milk cow.
Hmmm .... are there any other kind of cows?
garden pea-beans.
dear brother russell:-- wt1912.
last spring a brother in the west sent me a supply of pea-beans,.
They are very prolific and I would be willing to trade some for a milk cow.
Hmmm .... are there any other kind of cows?
need some advise.
my friend has been with her boyfriend for almost 4 years, and for 3 of them the sex has been getting less and less.
they are down to around twice a year.
what does no sex mean?
That would be another term for "being married"
hi guys, i have noticed that you two seem to have lots of knowlege at your fingertips.
so i hope you dont mind me attn to you!.
i have found the following information on the internet while looking into the miracle wheat:.
I have a copy of the United Cemetary's Charter ...... somewhere in my "things".
As I recall, it had a board of directors and I don't believe it was affiliated with the Society.
just wondering if anyone here left the org without ever looking at anything on the net and if so how did it happen for you?.
miss c.
Yep. There was no internet when I left. I did my research the old fashion way. The Library
i've been thinking about getting rid of these books for a long time.
i have bound volumes starting with 1950s up through the early 2000's (not complete, but probably about 35-40 volumes).
i also have about 50-70+ books, including some from the 1950's (let god be true & others).
Oh, there's also a Kindle version .... LOL
many of us leave due to injustices committed inside the organization.
i did initially.
i had doubts about some doctrines for years - but not until after leaving the witnesses was i free to be able to confirm my suspicions and see that yes, i did have valid reasons to have doubts all those years .
injustices, doctrines and the Lies
i logged into facebook today and somebody mentioned they are going to see the new sherlock holmes movie later today.
two comments later comes this piece of jw epic pile of fail, "i don't recommend that movie.
went to go see it last night and it's pretty demonic.
I had to walk out of "The Princess and the frog", talk about demonic, I mean it had all this magic in it.
i was wrong when i was so sure i was right before.
i feel a responsibility but i am confused.. also, any ideas for preparing vulnerable family members prior to pulling the rug out from under them?.
My wife and I studies with a whole family, parents and 4 kids. When we left they left with us. They all became Seventh Day Adventist
i've been thinking about getting rid of these books for a long time.
i have bound volumes starting with 1950s up through the early 2000's (not complete, but probably about 35-40 volumes).
i also have about 50-70+ books, including some from the 1950's (let god be true & others).
Different Bible Students groups continue to reprint those books in new editions.
Yes, currently there are 5 different publishers for the Studies in the Scriptures.
The Dawn Bible Students Association publishes a cheap softcover edition
The New Brunswick Bible Students publishes two hardcover editions, one is a wide margin edition for notes
The Laymen Home Missionary Movement publishes 2 editions, one has extra notes and references and the berean questions
The Forth Worth Bible Students published a one volume edition
Horizon Publishers publishes an illustrated edition of Volumes 1 and 2 and is currently working on the others
There are also paperback and magazine editions of volume 1 "The Divine Plan of the Ages" FYI
i've been thinking about getting rid of these books for a long time.
i have bound volumes starting with 1950s up through the early 2000's (not complete, but probably about 35-40 volumes).
i also have about 50-70+ books, including some from the 1950's (let god be true & others).
why not pack them up and leave them on the steps of the local Kingdom Hall