Pointless thread. You may as well told me the weather in the Seychelles.
eat more dogs, cambodians urged
sep 11, 10:23 am et .
Pointless thread. You may as well told me the weather in the Seychelles.
i know that i don't post often, but i read this board daily.
anyway, i just wanted to pass on the information that my father passed away last week.
he was 81 and in semi-poor health.
Please accept my condolencies.
anyone here like to play a little postal chess using good ol' email?.
Would you mind elaborating on how we do this?
anyone here like to play a little postal chess using good ol' email?.
What has this got do with the serious proposition that us intellectuals should be given the opportunity to play
chess via e-mail?
anyone here like to play a little postal chess using good ol' email?.
I'm surprised you know how to work them!
anyone here like to play a little postal chess using good ol' email?.
Spanner, stick with checkers
Krusty, stick with play dough.
anyone here like to play a little postal chess using good ol' email?.
I haven't played in a while, but I would like to partake in your newfangled virtual-reality chess tournament.
How do you envisage communicating the sequentional "moves" to one another? If it is via PM'ing should we
use terms such as "Queen's Rook Three Forward"? And/or do you think we should have a chess board all
set up, awaiting instructions?
Otherwise...I think Gambit's link is one that we could all hook up onto?
as we entered a door of the administration building we did not head to the elevator to take us up the eight floors to the main administration floor.
i looked around the room and asked, "what's up with her?
i was going to work with the elder from hell who ran the photography department.
I'm enjoying these "Bethel" threads tremendously, Dave, and evidently so is everyone else! How many minutes until episode IV?
You mentioned that you are dyslexic and I wondered why you don't use a spell-checker. Then I thought that the reason you
don't is because you couldn't be certain that the suggested replacement word was spelled correctly or not, as you are dyslexic!
I assume the same premise applies for a grammatical error.
Great posts!
i work for a large company.
the site i am on has several thousand people on it.. some of them are stupid.. to be fair, i think it's the group-think effect that creates corporate stupidity where no one has the gumption or the energy to stand up and say "this is a dumb idea".. the latest example of this happened today.
we've been in the current open-plan office for about 2 years.
This is the same company that arrange to have a 100% blind man work as a web designer !!
So that explains why we get so many glitches on this Forum!
(Please don't delete me, Simon, I like blind people!)
until recently, i hadn't gotten drunk in yrs, like maybe 20 yrs.
recently, i felt like doing it.
so, wanting to be balanced christian, i was just wondering how often would be optimal.
You need to check in to a non-alcoholic's association. You will have to state that you are a non-alcoholic (embarrasing)
and your name.