Flip the situation around. Imagine that you are the crippled man who is happy in your belief (JW, athiest, or otherwise). Would you want someone to "tickle your ears" so that your ideas would be reinforced? Some people may. I would not.
Personally, I would find it insulting if someone condescended to flatter my beliefs rather than engage in a real, human debate. And, if I were handicapped, it would feel more than insulting. It would feel depressing.
Also, most apostates are not evangelists. We do not go from door to door trying to ram our beliefs down other's throats. So, the likelihood of one of these persons coming into contact with me and initiating a discussion is pretty slim.
The truth is out there, and I won't hide it from anyone. However, I'm not going to seek out people to press my views on them. If they are happy in their belief, they can remain so - just as happy Scientologists and Seventh Day Adventists can do.
How much damage has been done by JW's who push their beliefs on others? - familes broken up, children who die from lack of medical treatment, Witnesses who became diseased and even died from lack of a vaccination, men imprisoned for declining alternative service, needless murders of Malawians, futures blemished for lack of education.
The sins of JW's pile as high as heaven. This question should be directed at the Witnesses, not the underground.