Apart from the children being taken away (which I'm very sad for you) your story - brief as it was- was almost identical to ours. We must therefore assume that there must be hundreds if not thousands in the same position. We came out of the Org. when we found out about the UN involvement, up to then we would NEVER have believed, in a million years, that they could perform such a hypocritical act. This was revealed in the Guardian newspaper (UK) a few years back, we took almost a year to verify and investigate many other aspects of the Org. especially the early years and could not go along with it
When you think of all the publications that we studied re the UN being satan's visible organisation, and to have found out their involvement was just unbelievable. How could we accept all of their propaganda and give beautiful answers in group studies regarding the UN and now accept the thinking of the Org. We feel that we have principles and therefore we sent in our resignation with questions also like yourself on paedophilia, 607date, blood issue, failed prophecies etc. the Org. did not respond to our letter and neither did the body of elders in the Hereford congregation (england) How pleased the three elders must have been to sign our disfellowshipping letter which arrived on the very last day that we gave them as a deadline to respond to the many questions of great concern that we had.
All of this - after over thirty years in the Org.!!
Well done Arwen for standing up for your Christian principles. We look forward to hearing from you again.
Kaytee (husband of Twinkletoes)