What Emotion Do You Have Now Because You Were One Of Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Are you angry that you ever got involved in this religion?? Depressed?? Confused?? .....What????

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    For quite a while I had mixed feelings regarding
    getting mixed up in this religion until recently.

    After a discussion thread featuring the topic
    of suicide and former Jehovah's Witnesses, the
    mixed feelings have turned to outrage.


    The Wanderer

  • fullofdoubtnow

    When I first discovered the truth about the wts, I was angry with them for promoting their false teachings.

    Nowadays, I hate the way they lied to me, but I am angry with myself for falling for it.

  • minimus

    Lately, on board, I see a lot of angry people----pissed off that they wasted a lot of time for nuthin'.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Since my separation from the Borg is going on right now, I am still bitter. It's helping that
    I see others who have delt with it. I will be a better person as I get over the bitterness.

    I will try to keep the anger focused on the organization and not any individuals.
    They are victims with me, who are not AWOKE at this time.

  • blondie

    Long past depressed, angry, confused.

    I felt so much better when I finally stopped going to any meetings and talking to any JWs.

    Depression can be repressed anger. So let anger out in a healthy way. Educate yourself about the real history of the WTS. Read the Bible for the first time without the crutch of WT publications.

    Find a few good, loyal friends. Follow your dreams. It's only too late when you are dead.


  • Blueblades

    To be truthful about responding to your question I have to look deep inside myself. The answer is that I am angry. I am angry that I went after the carrot,"You Can Live Forever In a Paradise Earth". My family tells me that I did what I thought was best for them at that time 37 years ago, back in 1969. My family is not angry about it, they say it was a learning experience for them and that I was trying to give them a better life. Well the boys are in their 30's, my wife and I in our 60's. They still have a life ahead of them. I feel that my wife and I were cheated out of the real life all those years of serving the Watchtower's interest. I am moving on and am trying to bury the anger and enjoy what years I have left. The FREEDOM we have is so refreshing, not being tied down to the Watchtower countdown clock.


  • purplesofa

    Well, since I just had them ring my doorbell on a Saturday am.........ugggggggg, lately they come every weekend. I ususally answer the door, whatever I am doing however I am dressed, but not this am.

    I just stayed laying on my bed till they went away.

    I find it odd they still come to see me after two years of a handful of meetings. Only the memorial this year. They continue to be nice, but by now I thought I would be forgotten.

    I just find it difficult to continue to act like I am depressed and having problems for not going to meetings.


    edited to add.........to answer your question.......when I think of the decisions I made in raising my kids because of some of their advice, I am sick inside and sad and angry.

  • minimus

    Blondie's right about educating yourself. You can't ignore things forever. Get to the root of the religion itself, the cultic way of life and how we were duped and then spread the word in the best way that you can to help others not fall into the same trap. Blue, it does upset us, doesn't it, to know we wasted much of our lives.? But we're still going to try to live our lives to the fullest while we can!

  • OnTheWayOut


    Some individuals don't forget you and leave you alone, because deep down, the individuals care
    about your welfare. They are victims, just like you were. They pity you for falling for Satan's
    snares, you pity them for falling for WTS snares.

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