Great question, many years ago I started to say to PIMI people I am close to that as a JW every possibly human act is categorized as either the commission of a sin (you are doing something wrong by JW definition - so called Bible standards) or is a sin of omission (you should be doing something, but you are not - does not matter why).
Commission Sins: Many of the things you mentioned and the list is really long. Basically anything JW thinks are wrong then you are committing a sin. If it is something good like talking a walk on a nice day and you do it often....then it is still a sin since "you should be more balanced and devote some of that time walking to doing spiritual things".
Omission Sins: As a JW this is mainly things like - you should be doing more of the following: bible reading, field service, meetings, volunteering for extra work at KH/AH, you should be an MS/Elder, you should study more, be a Aux/RegPio, comment more at meetings and the list goes on and on into many personal things as well.
My experience as a PIMI JW for many years is that the organizations goal is to constantly keep everyone in a state of uncertainty as to what is right, wrong or okay for one to do. There is not a course of action that will ever be the right course by JW standards. If you think you are following the right course at some point the JW org. will change the rules and you will be wrong again. Which is why I am now PIMO.