That link is to the Australian Daily Telegraph.
The UK Daily Telegraph also ran a story though.
the daily telegraph is a well respected newspaper, probably not what most jw's would buy but certainly read by opinion formers and the so called 'chattering classes'.
hopefully the news will start to get more mainstream coverage soon.. daily telegraph news story.. i've not been able to catch up on day 3 yet but aside from all this negative publicity, which will inevitably fade in time, the precedents set must be very worrying for all appointed men and wt branches.
it's brown trousers time guys!.
That link is to the Australian Daily Telegraph.
The UK Daily Telegraph also ran a story though.
i am hoping someone may be able to give me some guidance on behalf of my son.
my ex-wife, who remains a jw, is threatening to go to court to get visitation with our 5 year old grandchild.
she had regular visits with our grandchild, but when my son (no longer a jw) and his wife (never a jw) found out that his mother was teaching their daughter the jw religion without their permission and even telling our grandchild not to tell their parents... well to say the least, that was a game-changer.
well i was loathe to start a new thread on the australian royal commission, but i've been reading in thread after thread how jw's are trying to dismiss what's happening with "it's persecution".. if anyone says this to you, just respond "it's not persecution, it's accountability.
they are being called to explain their procedures, and nothing more.".
persecution is hostility against someones religion.this is not against the jw religion, it's against procedures that jw's champion as being 'the best in the world' when in reality, and with a little analysis are proving to be among the most harmful.
Well I was loathe to start a new thread on the Australian Royal Commission, but I've been reading in thread after thread how JW's are trying to dismiss what's happening with "It's persecution".
If anyone says this to you, just respond "It's not persecution, it's accountability. They are being called to explain their procedures, and nothing more."
Persecution is hostility against someones religion.
This is not against the JW religion, it's against procedures that JW's champion as being 'the best in the world' when in reality, and with a little analysis are proving to be among the most harmful. Even the elders and CO's being questioned agree with this.
If someone tells me it's persecution, I'll ask them if they think the abused children were treated more kindly by the JW procedures (being made to face their abusers etc) or if they were treated more kindly by the worlds procedures which saw their abusers put where they could no longer harm anyone.
I'll also ask if it is right that 1000+ known child abusers should escape punishment and remain hidden within the congregations.
It's not persecution, it's taking responsibility for choices they have proudly made.
has anybody confronted any jws with the royal commission reports on the news yet?
i showed my 8-year old daughter a newspaper headline about it, and when she told my jw wife that the jws in australia were in trouble for not reporting over 1,000 child abusers to police, her response was "oh, really?
well, i don't know what the rules are over there.
If loyal JW's confront these truths it will make them physically sick.
This is why they stop up their ears and try to pretend that everything in JWland is good.
They will not be able to ignore it for much longer.
the governing body have painted themselves in a corner, so to speak.
if they acknowledge their response to abuse claims was insensitive, unloving and inadequate they are denying the belief that "god's way" is best and risk losing abuse cases.
if they stick with it and say it is "god's way according to the bible" they will be seen as cult leaders and risk losing abuse cases.
has anybody confronted any jws with the royal commission reports on the news yet?
i showed my 8-year old daughter a newspaper headline about it, and when she told my jw wife that the jws in australia were in trouble for not reporting over 1,000 child abusers to police, her response was "oh, really?
well, i don't know what the rules are over there.
disillusioned 2 I am in UK and as far as I know there has been nothing in the news or newspapers over here
It's been in the Telegraph, Mirror, Daily Mail, Guardian and on the BBC.
To not know about it you'd have to be like the elder interviewed today - someone who doesn't watch the news or listen to the radio.
(let me know if anyone thinks my assumptions are way out of line, or if i've forgotten anything).
basic facts:.
the australian royal commission has 1000+ documented cases of child abuse over 65 years.
It was 1006 different abusers.
These are the ones which are known, of course.
i have just finished listening to this man jackson.
i remember him well.
he is twisting things around as much as he is allowed.
Lots of very vague answers like "we have received lots of information since then" and "we do that different now", all without evidence or substance.
Amazing how the commission has picked up how the CO's letter to the branch was so sympathetic towards the abuser, even to the point of downgrading his offence from Loose Conduct to Repeated Uncleanness.
the royal commission hearing starting on monday, july 27, 2015 - australian day and date - (and it could go on until august 7th depending on how many witnesses testify) regarding jehovah's witnesses handling of child abuse is supposed to be streamed.. it could be that the hearing will only be audio not video although we were informed it will be streamed.
we'll find out in a few hours.. i live in the central time zone of the us and right now here it is sunday, 3: 45 pm.
in sydney, australia, it is 15 hours ahead of us.
I think that CO was winging it.
I don't believe there are letters that have been written since 2010 that have replaced the procedures being painfully scrutinised.
I believe he will be called out on this and his Theocratic Warfare tactics will backfire.
i have just finished listening to this man jackson.
i remember him well.
he is twisting things around as much as he is allowed.
Thanks possum. I'm so very sorry to hear this has touched you and your family personally.
An elder can always get away with "just do as you're told" within the congregation.
Now they are having their feet held to the flames, they are beginning to see how fragile their authority is, and how reckless their policies are. This is a line of questioning they would never allow themselves to face in any other situation.
They refuse recording devices in their own JC 'courts' but here they are in front of the cameras for the world to see. These so called glorious ones are being exposed as incompetent, unloving and self-preserving. The modern day pharisee.