*** w12 5/1 p. 16 What Is the Good News About Religion? ***
1. Is all religion good?Many religious groups include sincere people who want to please God. He sees those people and cares about them. Sadly, though, some people have used religion for evil purposes. [. . .] Today, according to news reports, some religious leaders have encouraged terrorism or supported war, or they have been involved in child abuse.
They are speaking about themselves!
They are saying that those who have been involved in child abuse are evil and not a good religion!
*** w07 3/1 p. 4 Does It Matter Which Religion You Choose? ***
Since many religions arose from a desire for political power, prestige, and popular acceptance rather than a desire to please God, it is no surprise that religion is involved in such badness as child abuse, fraud, war, or terrorism. All too often, religion is a sham. How can you avoid being deceived?