Posts by Splash
NU LIGHT JWs not only spokespersons for GAWD so says Governing Body Jackson
by Watchtower-Free in .
*** w93 2/1 p. 16 par. 7 What Godly Subjection Requires of Us ***With the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, God used him and his immediate apostles and disciples to serve as His spokesmen. Later, the anointed faithful followers of Jesus Christ were to serve as a “faithful and discreet slave” in communicating to Jehovah’s people how to apply Bible principles in their lives. Godly subjection meant recognizing the instrument Jehovah God was using. -
[Day 8 - 14/8]Governing Body, Geoffrey Jackson - Royal Commissions On Child Sexual Abuse, Australia. + VIDEO
by C0ntr013r inthe big day finally arrived!
these amazing royal commission proceedings are available on youtube :).
part 1 has been uploaded and part 2 will soon be available.. part 1:.
29:20 - 31:15 = Publications are not written or researched by the G.B. - they only read them! Woo-hoo, I'm as good as the G.B. because I can read too!
This means it's no longer correct to say that food at the proper time is from the Slave.
The slave does not provide anything it seems, only proof read it.
Geoffrey Jackson - Royal Commission Live Hearing Now!
by LostinJapan in.,-july-2015,-sydney.
Day 8 Video 2. 18:05
Geoffrey Jackson says that a fader who celebrates Christmas (as an example) will not be subject to a JC:
"[if the elders] meet someone celebrating Christmas, this person is not associating with other Jehovah's Witnesses, not actively trying to change other people and so on, a person such as that is not going to be handled judicially as far as I understand."
So all faders, keep this video handy for when a bunch of nosey elders start getting judicial with you, you can get all Geoffrey Jackson on their asses.
Look out for a new congregation position for elders wives: Helper to the Elders
by Splash ingeoffrey jackson spent 20 minutes accepting the position that it is not scripturally prohibited for women to be used in the investigation process, although probably not the jc itself (he said he'd check the scriptures on that bit, but we can guess the outcome).. look out for the wives of elders jostling for and gaining these positions.
there will be no better opportunity for gossip mongers to raise their status in the congregation than being officially involved in the intimate private business of others in the congregation.. think of the power they will have in advising the elders on a jc if she thinks the victim is credible, with her opinion, bias and embellishments on the details.
i wouldn't fancy the chances of a victim who has previously fallen out with one of these 'helpers'.. whatever next, sisters handling microphones??!
Geoffrey Jackson spent 20 minutes accepting the position that it is not scripturally prohibited for women to be used in the investigation process, although probably not the JC itself (he said he'd check the scriptures on that bit, but we can guess the outcome).
Look out for the wives of elders jostling for and gaining these positions. There will be no better opportunity for gossip mongers to raise their status in the congregation than being officially involved in the intimate private business of others in the congregation.
Think of the power they will have in advising the elders on a JC if she thinks the victim is credible, with her opinion, bias and embellishments on the details. I wouldn't fancy the chances of a victim who has previously fallen out with one of these 'helpers'.
Whatever next, sisters handling microphones??!!
Guys help me out, no isrealite women judges?????since when
by Diogenesister inguys what the hell is going on, how can jackson say there were no isrealite women judges!!!
!how many jewish women judges are there?cdidnt maclellan check up om that one, would have thought he'd know!
This seems pretty clear to me:
(Judges 4:4, 5) Now Debʹo·rah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapʹpi·doth, was judging Israel at that time. She used to sit under Debʹo·rah’s palm tree between Raʹmah and Bethʹel in the mountainous region of Eʹphra·im; the Israelites would go up to her for judgment.
However WT have repeatedly described Deborah as a 'prophetess', and not a 'judge'. WT refer to "Judge Barak" even though this phrase is never found in the scriptures, nor implied. -
Jw streaming conventions kept tightly under wraps why??
by purrpurr ini have recently been given the ultra uber super duper secret convention login details to watch it on the streaming page.. with those details came a huge dose of "don't tell anyone else!
" "apostates might get hold of it and twist it against us!".
when you consider that the event itself is open to the public?.
There's no logical reason.
The real reason is that it gives them a sense of importance and feeds the persecution complex by saying apostates are forever trying to attack them.
It's control and nothing more.
Worldly charity helps Jehovah's Witness child with life-threatening heart defect after Watchtower Society 'charity' refuses help
by jwleaks inprogram sponsors child's medical procedure .
indiana, usa.
Ettien, a Jehovah’s Witness, decided to write a letter to the religious organization’s U.S. headquarters, which referred him to the Gift of Life program. He learned about the local program and wrote another message to Riley Hospital for Children, which then connected him to the local Rotary Club.
Does this mean that the WT has reversed it's long held stance on giving to charities?
*** w50 12/15 p. 507 Religious Charity versus Good Works ***
It is no secret, many so-called “charity” organizations operate a fraud and racket. For example, the New York Times, September 6, 1950, carried an account of how certain “religious charitable organizations” operating in Brooklyn, New York, are giving the poor only 15 per cent of the money they beg from the public. God’s faithful people cannot afford to donate to such organizations. They must use what they have to preach this gospel of the established Kingdom for the benefit of the poor everywhere, as commanded.*** w03 6/1 p. 7 Giving That Pleases God ***
There is a kind of giving that is even more important than charity. [...] In other words, as commendable and beneficial as charitable acts are, Christian discipleship involves more.
When it comes to organized charity, though, we need to be cautious as we evaluate the many appeals we receive. Some charities have high administrative or fund-raising costs, leaving only a small portion of the collected money for the intended purpose. Proverbs 14:15 says: “Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps.” So it is the course of wisdom to examine the facts carefully. -
Jehovah's Witnesses Can't Remember (video)
by mulder_scully inhi friends!.
i normally post over on /r/exjw but i've been reading more and more over here on this forum and found it incredibly supportive and informative.
i hope to participate in this community and become an active member.
I thought elders were required to be sound of mind.
Seems like these guys should be deleted because they no longer have any mind.
How does the WTS view 'ancient humans' (i.e. fossils assigned to the genus Homo)?
by LoveUniHateExams inhaving read i love ttatt's thread about evidence for humans living more than 6,000 years ago, i responded by using neanderthals and homo ergaster as evidence.
this got me thinking about the wt's current view on 'cavemen' (), etc.. so, how does the wts view 'ancient humans'?
A fossil does not indicate that they were hairy.
'nuff said.
I wish Geoffrey Jackson wasn't being questioned at all vs a video link...
by thedepressedsoul ini'd rather them not even question him at this point.
by allowing a video link, they put the ball 100% in his court.
i don't get what they expect to accomplish by having a video link only.. 2. he won't feel any pressure.
All I'm hoping for are some answers to the questions Angus puts to him.
I'm hoping that GJ will finally realise what damage is being done and how poor and harmful the WT procedures are. If he can admit to that like the other elders and the expert witness did, that will be enough, a huge achievement in fact.
I don't expect anything significant to come of the questioning, certainly not any bombshells or revelations.
For me it will be of more consequence once the RC has made it's rulings, then to see if the WT tries to get out of implementing them.
Their tactic will be to agree to doing everything recommended, but then doing few or none of them in actuality.
They will rely on their crafty wording to play a game, as they always do.